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Yoongi's P

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Yoongi's P.O.V

It was a Monday morning like any other, I woke up grumpily and got ready to go to school, I was the first to arrive- which was normal for me although I hated waking up. I went to the library and got my new favourite book out of my backpack. Percy Jackson and the Olympians was my new found obsession, but also Heroes of Olympus, and it surprised me when neither of my friends knew what it was, although they barely read so I should've expected it.

What did surprise me was that another boy entered the library, a short, silver-haired boy to be exact. He smiled and waved a little when he saw me staring and I quickly looked away, I'm not exactly the social type. I discreetly followed him from the corner of my eyes and watched as he went up to the librarian and struck up a conversation.

"Mrs.Kim, do you know where I can find a book about Greece?" His voice was nice. "We have many different books in that area, you're going to give me specifics." This librarian wasn't an old lady like most of the ones in movies, she was actually a student like us, but had classes on the weekends instead so she took it upon herself to take care of the library. "I want something that sets the picture of Greece and maybe another that explains the myths and all of that?" His answer came out like more of a question so he scrunched up his nose. Cute. "Well for the first thing we have history books, real fun, and then we actually have a series that explains that pretty well, if you're interested."

The short boy nodded eagerly and awaited for Mrs.Kim, or Jennie, to tell him where exactly to find the books she had mentioned. She gave exact instructions on where to find the first book, but then sighed and said she couldn't quite place where the others were. "I suppose you're going to have to ask Yoongi, he's obsessed with those books." She let out an airy chuckle and I stiffened.

Damn it, Jen, couldn't you keep me out of this one conversation? I saw her eyes- full of mischief if I do say so myself -flash to where I was seating and then turning back to the silver-haired male in front of her. "Who the heck is Yoongi?" I didn't have to look up to see the confused face he had on, I could hear it. "Well, he's that black haired boy behind you," Jennie replied. Thank all the gods I had my earphones on, even if I wasn't listening to any music. The boy turned around and I could feel both of their eyes burning onto me so I decided to actually turn on my music.

A few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder so I lifted my head up to see the boy and a beauty full eye-smile. "Annyeong-haseyo, I'm sorry to bother you but Mrs.Kim said that I should ask you about the book series Percy Jackson." I slowly nodded my head removing my other earphone and suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Y-yeah." The boy's eyes turned soft for five seconds before he smiled again. "Could you show me where to find them?" I gulped, this was too much social interaction in one day and it was only seven. "S-sure."

With slightly shaking legs I led him to the back of the library and then pointed the books out to him. If you like Percy then you know that the series has quite the amount of books if you don't now you do. I stood there and watched as his eyes scanned all of them before slowly letting out a small sigh and then turning to me again. " know which one comes first? Because I'm lost." He let out a small chuckle and scratched the back of his neck. I silently lifted my hand and took out The Lightning Thief before handing it to him. As I said, I'm not big on social interactions.

"Thanks. By the way, I'm Park Jimin." with that eye smile still on his face, he lifted his free hand and extended it towards me. "M-Min Y-Yoongi," I said as I extended my own hand and slowly shook it. "So Mrs.Kim told me that you started reading these books a little while back, do you think they're good?" Damn it, why can't he just leave?

"T-They're pretty good, a-although they p-paint horrible p-pictures of the gods. I m-mean, they w-were t-terrible? I think y-yeah." I lifted my head up to see him staring at me in amusement. Why can't you just stop stuttering? I shifted uncomfortably and suddenly found a great amount of interest in my shoes. We stood like that for about a minute before he suddenly spoke up again."Are you the Min Yoongi that likes to paint?"

 This made me raise my head up and slightly nod, not saying anything. I saw how Jimin's face lit up and he moved his hand up to his mouth. Is he about to fanboy? But before any sounds left his mouth he nodded his head and then pointed to the front of the library. "Want to keep reading before class?" I nodded slowly before he took hold of my sleeve and lightly dragged me back to the front. I made eye contact with Jennie and saw her sending me a wink. "You don't really like to talk, do you?" I shook my head at him and then we sat down.We actually didn't hear the first and second bells, or maybe we just chose to ignore them. 

And for the first time, I enjoyed someone else's company.

Word count: 962 

Finished: 6/29/17

A/N: I couldn't wait.. plus I'm bored af and I just finished my homework. don't know if this is enjoyable but I really ship Yoonmin so... Also the hello in Korean was researched, I don't actually speak the language so sorry if it was wrong.

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