Abrupt ending

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Min Yoongi had woken up with all of the seventeen boys inside his hospital room

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Min Yoongi had woken up with all of the seventeen boys inside his hospital room. He got scared once he saw Tao's face but that feeling quickly went away as he noticed how all of them were cooped up in a section of the room sleeping. The small boy had made sure that he made no noise as he made his way towards the little bathroom inside of the room.

The stone tiled floor was seemingly ice as it made contact with Min Yoongi's bare feet, but said boy didn't even flinch. The low piddle-paddle that his feet made was enough to bring Kim Taehyung out of his sleep. He saw the image of the raven-haired boy and slowly shimmied his way out of the lump of bodies they had all managed to form.

Inside the bathroom, Min Yoongi was staring at himself in the mirror. Slowly, he brought his hand up to his face, traced the sharp cheekbones that made his face seem hollow. He looked intently into his own eyes, noticing how the dark brown had faded and turned into a dull grey. He lifted the hospital cloak he was wearing and turned sideways, his ribs and hip-bones sticking out, covered in blue and black.

Min Yoogi's eyes scanned the mirror until they laid upon the figure of Kim Taehyung slowly coming into the bathroom. Kim Taehyung leaned his whole body against the door frame and made eye contact with Min Yoongi.

"W-," Min Yoongi's throat was extremely sore, so he wasn't ready to use it yet, "what did the doctors say?"

Kim Taehyung smiled at his hyung before moving forwards and back hugging him, "Don't worry about that."

The two stayed like that for at least five minutes, Kim Taehyung's head on Min Yoongi's shoulder and his arms holding his bones together. 

"Do my parents know I'm here?" The raven suddenly asked, looking at the other through the mirror. 

"I don't think so," Kim Taehyung answered as he started to play with Min Yoongi's hair, "Namjoon told me they were dead so."

The older made a small hum before he corrected himself, "D-do my foster par-parents know I'm h-here?"

Kim Taehyun chuckled before moving back and tilting his head in the direction of the main room and disappearing from the bathroom. 

The elder inhaled slowly before turning back to himself in the mirror. He really wanted to know what the doctors had said, especially since he had seen that small glint of pitty and farewell that he knew so well in Kim Taehyung's eyes.

Min Yoongi couldn't help but wonder if their friends were tired. Tired of having to take care of him. Tired of having to force feed him and watch him throw up everything that he had consumed. Tired of the way his arms would almost always be covered in thin lines ranging from bright red to almost healed. 

He couldn't help but wonder if his friends were tired of him.

"Yoongi," a small voice, no louder than a whisper, brought him out of his dizzy state of mind, "hey."

Park Jimin's voice was soft, so soft. It sounded like what Min Yoongi thought a cloud would feel like, he had decided that long ago. 

He hadn't realized that he had started crying until he felt two strong arms wrap around his bony frame, "Hey don't cry, you're okay. We're all here."

But that only made him cry harder because they were all here.  They had stayed all crammed inside a hospital room for, what? Two, three days. How could he, stupid, naive, weak, ugly, Min Yoongi, hold up seventeen wonderful, creative, talented boys inside a hospital? 

It made no sense.

"Hey," Park Jimin had grabbed his face, it being mushed by Park Jimin's hands, and turned it to his own, "we're okay. You still have me, I didn't mean any of those things. I-"

Min Yoongi saw that hint of hesitation gleam in Park Jimin's eyes, he saw the guilt so he reached up and engulfed his small, chubby (beautiful and perfect if you ask him) hands in his own large, bony ones. He nuzzled his head deeper into Park Jimin's hand to let him know that it was okay. 

"Where is he?" 

It was a mere whisper but Park Jimin heard it. He understood what he had meant and pulled the older into a hug. 

"Gone for good," the other's hair smelled of vanilla and Park Jimin couldn't help the small smile that broke out on his face, "he won't be bothering you anymore."

Min Yoongi simply nodded, not really wanting to say anything. 

So they stayed like that for a while, ten more minutes to be exact, before a small yelp brought them back to reality.

"Get back here you little shit!"

"Hyung, calm the fuck down!"

"Don't swear you fetus!"


It was some sort of chaos, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Seokjin going back and forth with insults while Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok were trying to stop Kim Taehyung from...punching...Baekhyun?

"Take it back you burnt piece of bacon!" Kim Taehyun continued to struggle against the hold of his two hyungs, all the while Baekhyun was hiding behind a very confused Chanyeol.

"No way in hell you unused Prada!"

A gasp resonated inside the small hospital room before a laugh burst out of none other than Kim Taehyung who was then dropped to the floor, "I lost!"

And Baekhyun broke out into a grin before sticking his tongue out.

"Yeolie," he started as D.O and some of the other guys came back holding multiple bags with sandwiches, "when are we going back home?"

it was a simple sentence and Min Yoongi knew he meant nothing with it, he just wanted to go back, but somehow he took it as a small insult.

"We'll go back for a change of clothes and then head to the police station," Chanyeol said as he hugged Baekhyun, who was now smiling, "then we'll come back here, okay?"

"That's what I was hoping you'd say."

And they stayed like that while they ate. They stayed like that when Kim Namjoon told them that he and Kim Seokjin were dating. Still, they stood when D.O and Kai shyly admitted that they were too. They laughed and laughed at the endless supply of jokes that some of them seemed to have and the stupid things others did. 

Min Yoongi found that he too smiled, he too smiled when Jeon Jungkook retold that day when he went to the stone building and was scared half to death because he had found a three-metre statue and Min Yoongi laying down on the floor next to it. He had thought that he was dead so he jumped on him. Literally.

Min Yoongi laughed when Xuimin smacked Chen on the head because "this stupid idiot once tried to bring a baby calf into the apartment". Let us just say that it took a good while for them to stop the laughing.

But good things often come to an abrupt ending. 

Word count: 1175

finished: 12/27/17

A/N: Holy shit I'm sorry. I feel like i haven't uploaded in a while and idk it feels wrong. Good reasons though. Anywho, here it is I hope it doesn't suck (it do) EXO's Universe was amazing, Baek's high note was gold, Sehun, Xuimin, and the rest killed it. I had an eargasm when suho and yeol sang together BYEE.


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