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Blaise left Potions in a hurry that day. He departed with a dramatic sweep of his robes and was gone before anyone had a chance to talk to him, not that there was an abundance of people who would do such a thing. So Blaise found himself walking the Hogwarts halls avoiding any and all moving staircases as he let his mind wander.

For some reason the girl from class, Isabelle, would not leave his mind. That was a problem. Blaise could not fall in love, not that that's what this was, he just could not do it. He had plans after Hogwarts, plans he had no choice but to fulfill. He had to take the Dark Mark at the end of term. He had to marry a pureblooded witch of his parents choosing, purely a political marriage. He had to get a job, preferably in the Ministry. He had to produce at least one heir to carry on the family name. So no he couldn't possibly fall for this girl.

With a lot on his mind Blaise made his way to the next class, where he took his seat just in time. Not that it really mattered seeing as it was History of Magic and his professor was a ghost. Blaise looked over at his desk partner, Draco Malfoy, and considered starting a conversation, but refrained in fear that his thoughts would betray him and fall from his tongue unwanted. So he turned back to look at his droning professor with only mild interest.

At the end of the lesson, Blaise decided to stay behind to walk with Draco, knowing it would cause trouble to ignore his classmates for two entire class periods. Blaise stuffed his books back into his bag and called, "Hey Draco wait up!"

"Malfoys do not wait, Zabini," Draco called in response, continuing out of the classroom at his original pace. Blaise only sighed and rushed after the blond, meeting him halfway down the hall. Merlin, he never realized Draco was so fast.

"Anything interesting with you-know-what?" Blaise questioned in hopes of an interesting conversation for once.

"You know I'm not supposed to reveal details to men not sworn in," Malfoy started with a sigh before continuing, "he's chosen me, Blaise, and I don't think I can do as he wishes, but I must. He's chosen me, don't you get how bloody important it is that I do exactly as planned?"

"Of course, I understand how important that is, I'm just worried about you is all."

"I appreciate your concern, Zabini. However this is my duty and I will not share it with someone who has not yet pledged their allegiance to the Dark Lord," Draco spoke in a hushed whisper. He then turned and sauntered away to his next class, leaving Blaise standing in some corridor on the fourth floor.

The hall was not as empty as it had seemed for out of seemingly nowhere, a girl appeared on the other side of Blaise. Not just any girl either, but the girl from Potions. Isabelle. Her brown locks trailed behind her as she came to stand in front of the Slytherin boy with an odd expression on her lightly freckled face.

"So it's true, you'll be receiving the Dark Mark come end of term?" Isabelle asked, light brown eyes showing only intrigue not the fear Blaise had come to anticipate.

"Possibly. It is what is expected of me after all," Blaise replied with honesty, not finding it within himself to tell the girl a lie. She just nodded in response and turned to walk away, clutching her book close to her chest. Blaise was about to just watch her leave when his mind came back to him, "Isabelle, wait, at least let me walk with you to your class," he called.

Isabelle turned back to him with a questioning look but gave in, allowing him the chance to catch up. He hurried to the spot where she was standing, not wanting to waste any time. Once standing side by side again she spoke a warning, "Zabini if I'm late because of you I will put every single Hufflepuff cliche behind me and hex you 'til you don't remember your own name." Isabelle grinned wickedly at the tall boy.

The pair began walking once more, paces matching perfectly in step, Blaise broke the silence and said, "So, Isabelle, you're a Hufflepuff?"

"Is that a problem?" She retorted, eyes conveying another meaning. This was a challenge, Blaise realized. As a reply to the challenge he just shook his head with a small but genuine smile on his face, pulling her along the never-ending corridors to class.

The pair reached the Astronomy classroom when she stopped at the door. They shared a smile before she entered the room. He made his leave, glad that this was his free period, with a racing mind and light heart.

Isabelle was on his mind for the rest of that hour. Whether it was their brief encounter in Potions or their walk, his thoughts couldn't move past her. Also, she was a Hufflepuff! He couldn't believe he didn't notice her Hufflepuff robes and tie earlier when they were in class together. Perhaps it was because he had been distracted by her dainty frame hunched over her sketches or by her cheerful "hello". Or perhaps it was that smile that was plaguing his every thought. Regardless, Isabelle was a Hufflepuff and Blaise couldn't force himself to care. One thing was for certain though, Blaise would never see the color yellow the same again.

This girl did something to him. Something special, something completely unique. She made everything seem lighter, as if the sun were constantly shining and You-Know-Who didn't exist. Isabelle's sunshine made the towering walls of ice around Blaise's heart start to crack. He didn't know how to cope with that. He had spent years placing each block of ice around his heart for a reason. And Blaise knew that if he didn't do something about it soon, Isabelle Thorne would undo every last block.

This probably sucks but I hope you enjoyed anyway!!! Love you all! Also just a little info you'll need to know: I realize that Blaise's mother is known for going from guy to guy, but for the sake of the story, she stopped with that on Blaise's dad whom she is married to. That is all, bye, once again hope you enjoyed!

The Color Yellow ~ Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now