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Blaise Zabini stared at his own reflection, admiring what he saw. Some called him vain or arrogant but he didn't care, his reflection had been there for him when no one else was. He smiled to himself as he pulled on his cloak and tied his Slytherin tie, preparing to start the day. And as was part of starting every day, he hurried up to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Today was the start of sixth year and Blaise was glad to have the year to enjoy his friends. He hoped that Potter and his crew would leave this year alone though he doubted they could. Pushing the thought of the Gryffindors to the back of his mind, Blaise sauntered over to join his friends at the Slytherin table.

He took his seat beside Draco and joined in conversation with him, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle on whether Professor Snape had bribed Dumbledore into giving him the Defense Against the Dark Arts post this year instead of Potions. Blaise didn't think that was the case and assumed it was probably Crabbe or Goyle who came up with that daft idea. He voiced his opinion on the matter as he scooped a plentiful helping of eggs onto his plate and began eating. Beside him, Draco agreed that it was absurd to believe that Snape would offer and Dumbledore would accept a bribe. With that being cleared up the group quieted in favor of enjoying the breakfast in front of them.

Blaise hurried to first hour potions when he was done eating and made it to the classroom just in time to start. However, when it comes to finding a seat, being on time is considered late. Blaise saw that he had two choices: the seat in the front of class beside Hermione Granger or the seat in the back by some girl he didn't know. Of course Blaise chose the seat in the back.

He strolled to the back of the class casually, as if he did not care at all about his surroundings, and took a seat beside the small girl. She was moving her quill furiously across her parchment and paying no mind to Blaise joining her table. He didn't think she even knew he was there. So he leaned over with curiosity to see what the girl could possibly be doing, to find her drawing. Drawing what exactly, he did not know for when he tried to take a closer look the girl noticed him for the first time.

"Um, hello, I'm Isabelle Thorne," the girl spoke softly, shyly.

"And I'm Blaise, Blaise Zabini," she nodded with a small smile and Blaise couldn't help but think that it was the most brilliant smile he'd ever seen.

A.N. ~ The rest of the chapters will most likely all be a fair bit longer than this as this is only the introduction. Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed so far and I promise it will get better as I go on! Also the only character I own so far is Isabelle, all other characters are property of Queen JKR!💛

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