Pushing My Buttons

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A couple days go by full of laughter and kisses and happiness. We only have two more days before we go back to L.A and start filming. I sit on the couch drinking tea and scrolling through twitter. "Hey." Adam says sitting next to me. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I set down my phone. "Yeah whats up?" He sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "I know that you and Blake have this... Thing going on and I've seen you both get hurt and I just..." He runs his hand across this forhead. "I think your good for him. But just be carefull I don't wanna see you guys get hurt again." I put my hand on top of Adams. "Thank you." He gives me a quick side hug right as Blake walks in. Its only Adam me and Blake down in the venu so he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before everyone starts filling in. We all order breakfast as Pharrell walks in still half asleep. "Mornin sleepy." I say handing him a cup of coffee. Brad and Missy laugh sipping on there coffee. My phone rings and I look down at the screen. "I gotta take this one minute." I stepped out into the hallway. "What do you want Gavin?"
"Why such the harsh tone?" I sigh and start walking up to my room. "Because our conversations normally end in yelling." He cuckels. "Mk, whatever. I need you to pick up the boys." I almost drop my phone. "Exuse me? Gavin I'm in Maine I can't!"
"Yeah well I have a bunch of stuff to do and I can't keep the kids." I close my door behind me. "Yeah well you also can't just dump our kids off Gavin. And what happened to planing in advance?"
"Gwen. Can't you hear me? I can't keep the kids!" I sigh. "I'll be there in two days."
"Two days? God could you be any worse of a mother?" I laugh. "Your games arn't gonna work on me Gavin. Two days take it or leave it."
"Fine." He mumbles obviously upset. "I'll drop them off at your house 12:30." He hangs up and I sigh falling back onto the bed. I fall back asleep and I'm woken up by a knocking on my door. I look over to the clock on the bed to see its already three. I sit up and fix my hair. "Who is it?"
"Blake." I snuggle back up to the blanket. "You can come in." He opens the door a little and smiles when he see's me. "You missed lunch so I got you some." I smile. "Thanks." He closes the door behind him and sets it down next to me. "Hey you ok?" I nod as he sits down on the edge of the bed next to me. "Yeah, Gavin called I gotta pick the kids up." He leans down and kisses my forhead. "What was that for?" He shrugs. "For being a selfless mother. For giving you a reason to smile." I pat the bed next to me. "Well if you really wanna make me smile then come over here." He smiles and takes of his boots sitting down next to me. I lift up my head and lay it on his lap. "He called me a bad mom." I say traceing circles into Blakes pants. He shakes his head. "Yeah well Gavin's the only bad parent here. How many days did he give you?"
"None at first. Two now." He sighs and runs his hand through my hair. "He can't do that can he?" I shrug. "I'm not sure. I'm new to this whole single parenting thing."
"Well I think your doing a great job. I smile and rap my arms around him. "Thank you." He smiles and tucks a peice of my hair behind my ear. "Any time darlin'."

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