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I wake up check on Apollo and start breakfast for the boys. They both eventually pile into the kitchen. "Morning weirdos." Kingston lifts his head from the counter. "Can I go back to sleep?" I laugh and shake my head. "Nope. But I do have a suprise for you guys." They both look up. "Well what is it?" I smile. "You know Blake from the show? He's gonna come hang out with you guys today while I take Pollo to the doctor." They both jump up smiles plastered on there faces. "I'm gonna go get ready!"
"Yeah me too!" Zuma says getting up. "What about your breakfast?" I yell after them but they both run upstairs. I laugh and clean up the kitchen. I get Apollo up and change him before takeing him downstairs. Theres a knock on the front door and I set Apollo down on the couch. I open the front door and smile. "Thanks for coming on such short notice." I say as I close behind him. He smiles. "No problem." He leans in and hugs me rapping his arms around me tighter. "I missed you." I mumble into his jacket breathing him in. "I missed you too." He says kissing the top of my head. I sigh and let go of his embrase walking over to the staircase. "King! Grab Apollos bag will you?" I yell upstairs to them. The both run downstairs a couple moments later almost colliding into me. "Stop." I say holding up hand. "Check yo self." Both of the boys smile and Kingston puts the bag in my hand. "Be carefull, you know the rules. And please for the love of god don't break anything." Both the boys nod and I step aside ushering them through. They both run twoards Blake. I smile and pick up Apollo from the couch trying not to wake him. "I'll be back in a couple hours call me if you need anything. Both the boys grab Blakes arms and pull him into the backyard. "Make sure they eat something!" I yell after him. I see him look back and nod giveing me a wink. I smile and head out the front door.

Blakes POV:

Kingston throws the football at me and I catch it throwing it back. "Can I ask you something?" Kingston shrugs. "Shoot."
"How much dose your mom eat on a daily basis?" Kingston turns the ball in his hand thinking about it before throwing it back. "I dunno. I guess I never really see her eat breakfast. She drinks smoothies a lot. She eats lunch. And sometimes dinner." I nod and throw the football back at him. He dives and catches it by a centimeter when all of the sudden I fell two arms around my leg. "Dog pile!" Kingston yells dropping his ball and runing towards me him and Zuma tackling me down and pileing on top of me. After a few minutes of sruggling to get up I finally shake the boys off me. "Come on I promised your mom I'd make you guys something to eat." They both nod and we head inside. I decied to make them some mac and cheese. By the time they finish up Gwen walks through the front door a angry expression on her face. "I'll be back in a minute." She mumbles trugging up the stairs with Apollo. I look over at the boys. "I'll be back in a minute." They both nod barely paying attention. I'm not even sure they know Gwens home. I follow her footsteps upstairs. She walks out of Apollos room. She sighs and steps infront of me. I look down at her, her sad eyes meeting mine. I rap my arms around her and she sighs burring her face in my chest. "Wanna talk about it?" She shakes her head and lets go of me. She reaches for my hand and I follow her into the master bedroom. She rumages around her drawers and grabs a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I sit down on the edge of the bed as she goes into the bathroom changeing. She comes out and sighs rapping her arms around my neck. "You ok?" She sets her head on top of mine. "Yeah, just flustrated." I scoot up back aginst the headboard and usher her to sit down on my lap. She dose so rapping her arms around me and snuggling her face into my chest. "You know he had the kids lie to me. He told them they would get in trouble if they told me Apollo was sick." I nod messing with a strand of her hair. "He has strep." I look down at her to see soft tears flowing down her face. I hold onto her tighter. She lifts up her sweater sleeve and wipes away her tears smearing her mascara. I run my thumb under her eye fixing it. She smiles. "Sorry." I shake my head. "It's ok hon." I kiss the top of her head and she nuzzles her head into the side of my neck. "I love you." I smile and she looks up at me. "I love you too." I say leaning down and kissing her softly. She smiles and leans her head into mine. "Hate to break it to you but your kids are still downstairs. She nods. "Mhm." I smile and try to get up but she pushes me back down. "No, please? Just one more minute?" I smile and put my hand under her thigh bringing her closer to me. "Fine. Only because your so cute." She sighs and relaxes at my touch. "Will you stay here tonight?" I nod. "If that's what you want darlin." She smiles and nods. "Mhm."


They finally said I love you!
People have been asking for
A new chapter so here you go
Another one will be up soon!
Hope you guys enjoy,
Leave me a comment telling me what you think <3
Xoxo- Alexis

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