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❝seems like pain and regret are my best friends.❞


stefansal: Hi

ellite: hey. what's up

stefansal: I just wanted to ask you something, if you don't mind.

ellite: ask away

stefansal: I was wondering how you know Damon. He commented on your picture.

ellite: ohh that jackass

ellite: i actually don't remember how we met which is weird. but i remembered he walked me home last night and we had a really meaningful conversation that i can't remember either

ellite: which is also weird cause i don't think i was drinking

ellite: i probably was nvm

stefansal: You seem to drink a lot.

ellite: i do.

stefansal: Why? If you don't mind me asking.

ellite: well

ellite: mostly to get rid of pain uk and also regret. i regret a lot of things

ellite: these days, it seems like pain and regret are my best friends.

ellite: sorry you didnt ask for my life story haha

stefansal: It's fine. If you ever want to talk, I'm here, okay?

ellite: okay, thanks

ellite: ANYWAYS

ellite: why were you asking about damon? do you know him?

stefansal: Not really, no.

ellite: you obviously do but i won't push it 

stefansal: Thank you.

ellite: anything for the stefan salvatore

stefansal: Haha, stop. :)

ellite: it kinda bothers me that you don't use emojis

stefansal: I don't really like them.

ellite: you're a literal grandpa

stefansal: I'm the coolest grandpa you know.

ellite: lmaoooo stefan made a funny

stefansal: I'm really good at making jokes, you know.

ellite: dont really believe you but sure

stefansal: If you want to hang out sometime, I can crack some and you'll believe.

ellite: hmm sure. when do you wanna

stefansal: Whenever you're free.

ellite: im free right now

stefansal: Great, me too. Want to meet at The Grill?

ellite: yea. i'll see you in like 20 minutes

stefansal: Sounds good :)

stefansal: Be prepared to shit yourself from laughing so much.

ellite: woah you swear too?! damn you're full of surprises

stefansal: You don't even know.


ellite: hey bitches guess what

caroforbes: chicken butt

bonfire: whats up

elenagilbert: what

ellite: im gonna go hang with god himself at the grill

bonfire: who?

elenagilbert: ^

caroforbes: OMG YOU WHORE 


caroforbes: wow how'd you even manage to ask him

ellite: he asked me boo

elenagilbert: wow okay sis

bonfire: damn i might be wrong ab him liking elena

bonfire: i honestly think he likes you ellie. you guys are always passing notes in class, he laughs at ur stupid stories, and he's always sneaking glances at you

ellite: omg bonnie stop im heated

ellite: and more times, when we pass notes, we're jus drawing funny looking cartoons

caroforbes: HE DRAWS HOLY SHIT 

caroforbes: I WANT HIM

ellite: he's not really a good one but theyre so funny

ellite: haha dont we all

elenagilbert: ellie u have a boyfriend

ellite: who?

caroforbes: TYLER

ellite: lmao whats a tyler?

havent updated this one in years, hopefully you guys didnt forget ab me! :)

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