11. Seeing Lucas with... My sister?

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Maya's Pov:

Most of you don't know this but I have a sister, her name is Lily. She's my step sister, and I like her yet I cant stand her. She is one of those people that you like yet cant be around 24/7. I am over lucas and his stupidity but seeing her with him across the quad irritates me. Like yes me and her dont live with each other anymore because my mom was married to her dad for 2 weeks back when we both were 6 but still what the hell.  I started to walk closer.

"Oh my god... you're so strong and buff and woah." She cooed

"What the fuck." I said outloud. I thought I said it in my head but shit I was wrong.

"What freak." Lucas said

"Freak? that's the best you got. Well actually Lucas you're right, Frank said I was a freak.. in the sheets last time we talked. Right Frank." I winked

Frank owed me a favor for letting him copy off my history exam. If he didn't do this for me I have no issue telling Mr. Matthews he cheated.

"Yeah she is a freak lucas. You let a good one go." Frank said fast and nervous.

"I know... I mean no I didn't." Lucas corrected himself.

Watching Lucas squirm was like watching a snake learn to walk.


"huh" she looked up at me

"you good?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be. I have more friends than you do and I have your man, Im great." She said snobby

Damn who peed in her cereal.
But I wasn't gonna let her win. I am maya fucking hart I am queen of sarcasm and attitude.

"Sure take my leftovers.. I am done with Bradley over there. I am sure he is up for you. He does like the delicate types." I smiled and walked away.

I heard a lot of damn's and shit's behind me. I won. Like always.

"Maya wait up." a voice called

"What lucas" I snarled

"I am so sorry." He said

"You have been saying that a lot lately. Yet where is the actions, actions speak louder than words. I cant keep having a fling with you, it's either you want all of me or not, I am not going to just be here for only your purpose. " I yelled

"No. I know. I want you all the time." He said trying to grab my hand

"THEN ACT LIKE IT." I yelled


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