Chapter 2

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They eventually reached Cherrygrove City, and Cahira paused, looking around.

"I know Gold talked about those places you can go to heal up your pokemon, but what the heck are they?" she muttered, starting to walk forward, Lava in her arms.

"Well hey there, girl!" a voice called, and she turned to see an old man run up to her.


"Hiya! You're new here, right? Do you know where everything is? I can show you if you want!" With that he rushed off down the path, Cahira staring after him. A moment later he rushed back. "What are you waiting for? Come on, let's go!" He grabbed her wrist and started dragging her behind him.

"Right, here is the Pokemon Centre, and over here is the Pokemart, and this way leads to the Proffesor's house and Violet City, and this way is the sea, and this is my house! Here, have my shoes and some potions, see ya!"

Cahira stared at the house, the shoes in her free hand. Then she sighed and looked around. "Okay, so the Pokemon Centre was this way.." she murmured, walking over to it. There was a bin outside, and she dropped the shoes into it before entering the building, Absol just beside her.

Nurse Joy looked up as she entered. "Hello there. Are you wanting me to heal your pokemon?" she asked as Cahira stopped infront of her.

"If you could, that would be great thanks," Cahira replied.

"Alright then, if you would please return your pokemon to their pokeballs and hand them to me." Cahira returned the two of them and handed the pokeballs over to her. Nurse Joy quickly placed them in a little pod, switching it. The pokeballs lit up briefly, then went back to normal.

Nurse Joy handed them over to Cahira. "Alright, they're all healed. Safe journey!" she called as Cahira brought them out again and walked out of the Pokemon Centre.

She walked down the street to the other path, walking back out into the wilderness. More pokemon popped up, and Cahira got Lava to battle them again, now using the potions that the weird guy had given her. Eventually they reached a house deep in the wilderness.

Cahira paused a moment, then knocked on the door. "Come in," a voice called, and she pushed the door open, stepping inside. Two men looked at her, both wearing lab coats.

"Ah, hello. You must Cahira, correct? Proffesor Elm told me about how you were coming to collect the thing," one of them said.

"And I see you already have two pokemon! An Absol and Cyndaquil, hmm? They're very rare pokemon...Oh, a pokedex! So Proffesor Elm gave you one?"

"Yeah, um..who are you?" The two men blinked in surprise, then laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry, we got a little caught up. I'm Proffesor Rowan, and this is my acquaintance Proffesor Oak."

"It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, okay. I'm Cahira, this is Absol, and this is Lava. I came to collect the thing you found, Proffesor Rowan?"

He nodded and crossed over to a shelf, carefully lifting down something and walking back over to her. "Here. This is a Pokemon Egg. It's very delicate, so please be careful."

"Alright, I will. Anyway, see you!" Cahira hurried out of the house, starting to make her way back while fighting the various pokemon that popped up. When she reached Cherrygrove City, she bumped into a young boy with deep red hair and bright silver eyes.

"Oh, sorry," she apologised.

"Just get out of my way," he snarled. Suddenly he spotted her pokemon. "What, a sap like you has pokemon? I bet they're totally weak."

Cahira flared. "Weak?! I've been training them very well, thank you very much."

"Really? Battle me and we'll find out," the boy replied smugly. Cahira humphed.

"Dont worry Absol, you dont need to fight this one. Lava may not be as strong, but he's plenty strong for an idiot like this," she said quietly to Absol. She nodded and stepped back, Lava leaping forward to attack.

"Your Cyndaquil? Dont be stupid! This'll be easy," he laughed, bringing out his pokemon, which was the water type, Totodile. Cahira looked vaguely surprised, then shrugged.

"Lava, Smokescreen!" Lava belted out a huge smog of black smoke. "Now, Tackle!" He dashed forward, attacking the Totodile. "Next, Quick Attack!" Eventually, after a crushing amount of combos, Totodile fainted. The boy stared, then growled before returning it.

"Just luck, idiot," he muttered, walking away from her, dropping something behind him. She bent down and picked it up, realising it was a trainers card and reading it. 'Silver.'

Silver suddenly noticed that she had it. "Hey, give that back!" he cried, rushing over to her and snatching it out of her hands before dashing off. Cahira watched him go with a raised eyebrow then sighed, walking back to New Bark Town.

Eventually she reached New Bark Town and entered the lab. "Hey Prof, I'm back!" she called, dusting her slightly mucky hands on her skirt before looking around in surprise. A policeman stood next to Proffesor Elm, interviewing him, and the glass that surrounded the three pokeballs had been smashed, the last pokeball gone.

"Excuse me young lady, but who are you?" asked the policeman, spotting her.

"I'm Cahira, but what's going on?" she asked.

"There has been a break-in, and a pokemon was stolen."

"No way..That's horrible! Prof, do you know what he looked like?"

"Yes..It was a red haired young boy with silver eyes. He took the Totodile." Cahira's eyes widened.

"I bumped into him as I was coming back! He battled me but lost..I'm sorry, I didnt realise it was your pokemon else I would have gotten it back."

"Did you happen to catch this lad's name?" asked the policeman. Cahira nodded.

"It was Silver," she replied.

The policeman nodded, giving her a smile. "Thanks for that, missy. That's a great lead we have. Alright then Proffesor, we'll get on this case immediately and try and find this 'Silver'."

"Thank you," said Proffesor Elm as he walked out. He turned to Cahira. "So, did you get the thing Proffesor Rowan wanted me to have?" he asked. She nodded, reaching behind her into her bag and carefully pulling the egg out.

"It seemed pretty important to him, but I dont see what's so great about it. Anyway, here you go," she said, handing it over. Proffesor Elm took it and carefully looked it over.

"Well, I've never seen this type before, but it's still just an egg. I'll look after it and perform some tests on it anyway." He looked at her. "Thank you for giving this to me, Cahira. I wont hold you back from your journey now. What are you planning on doing?"

"Oh, I dunno...maybe challenge the Pokemon Gyms?" Proffesor Elm looked surprised, then smiled.

"Yes, that's a good idea. Well, I wish you the best of luck on your journey," he said. She walked out of the building, looking at her two pokemon.

"Alright guys, let's get this journey underway," she said, Absol and Lava giving cries of agreement.

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