chapter 4

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my heart was still racing my chest felt tight, I felt like I was drowning on air , I couldn't breath. my own thoughts were bombarding me like waves hitting soft rocks on the beach . I started to calm down and Emily was screeching my name, she must have been looking for me  i have no idea how long I've been down here , she must have been frightened that something happened to me. she was always there for me i have no idea why but over the few weeks we have been apart I've missed her to i really think its time to leave maybe she wouldn't mind coming back home with me this would give me a chance to tell her about the dreams that ive been having of late.

when I came back I came back upstairs the worker gave me a hysterical look . I quick blurted out the coffee didn't agree with me , thank god me and Emily where  the only people that was still there . he rolled his eyes and said that we closed an hour ago, lucky your girlfriend was here with you so there's no problems I understand my sister had them too go on.

thank man I owe you one .

give I big tip next order  okay

sure ?

before leaving I seen a newspaper that read you'll never guess what this blogger did for is last blog then I left the café . I asked Emily if she would come spend a few nights with night with me , I told her there's no way I'm able to drive my self home I'm still shaking and I really need to talk to you about a few things , she rolled her eyes but agreed to come. on the way home I was reading the article that caught my eye the blogger was under stress  to the point where he stopped writing for a month and his last blog he gave a heart filled apology and a link to a video  where he killed him self, the video it self had ample comments like,lol so fake, I'm so offended  ,what are you using to edit the video  and, I don't see why the would say its fake it seems real . this is all really some bs, it really shows how people are when it comes to things like this .
Emily suddenly spoke out can we please change the subject this is kind of making me depressed she whimpered a little sure I said what would you like to talk about she Shrugged her shoulders and said really just anything honestly Emily I'm a little tired why don't you tell me what you been up to we do have a very long road ahead of us you know

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