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Jimin's POV

As I made my way towards the table beside (Y/n), I flashed her my award-winning smile, convinced that she would soften up towards me.

Instead, all I got was a," Hi. Welcome." She turned back from my gaze and began scribbling notes that the teacher was writing on the whiteboard.

I dropped onto the chair and sighed. Why isn't she like the other girls? Well, she soon will be, anyways. Because I plan to make her crazy about our group. I smiled again, but this smile was not as pretty as the last smile for it was a devious one.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey (Y/n). (Y/n)!" Jimin whispered. I pretended not to hear him and continued scribbling my notes. "(Y/n)!"

I rolled my eyes and directed my gaze towards him." Yes, pretty boy? " I muttered sarcastically. " Well, for starters you could be more polite, " the boy whined and pouted.

I gritted my teeth in frustration then saying," Okay then. What the f**k do you want?" Jimin grinned. " At least you think I'm pretty."

"Screw you.(A/n I know you guys want to😏😏) If there is nothing more, don't call me again." I turned back towards my notes.

"Wait!" the boy racked his brain for a reason for her to stay. " Ummmm.... I need help with my Math. Algebra is hard."

"Then start paying attention to classes, pretty boy,"  Jimin pouted. "Just teach me just this once? Please?"

I looked up at his face, his features replaced by a sad, puppy-dog look. It was kinda cute. "Fine." "Yessss!" the boy hissed triumphantly.

Time skippu (brought to you by Jimin's abs. Wait whuuuut)

Jimin's POV

"Hey (Y/n), that explanation was really good! How much do you usually get for Math tests?" I asked. I was only trying to get closer to her but I unexpectedly got a better understanding of algebra.

"All you have to know is that I always get A s and my score is higher than your IQ." was the cold reply.

"Awww... you are so mean (Y/n)." I grumbled. Despite her cold insult, I could see the corners of her lips twitch up.

She was warming up to me. Success! Class soon ended and (Y/n) packed her things and hurriedly left the classroom. I felt a sharp sting across my back and I winced, and the back slap was then followed by the familiar voice of Jungkook.

"Why did you lie?" he asked. "I don't know what you mean." I feigned ignorance as I packed my items into my bag.

"Ah come on, just spit it out," Jungkook said as he thumped my back again. "I really do wear spectacles." I retorted and pulled out a pair of spectacles and placed it on the rim of my nose.

"They don't even have lenses!" Jungkook lashed out and poked my eye through the spectacle's frame. "Ow... I just want to sit in front, why can't I?"

Jungkook sighed, saying," Fine. I'll find out for myself then." He gave my cheek a final poke and strutted off towards his next class.

I rubbed my cheek where it had been poked while I thought to myself and smiled' Step 1, complete.

(Y/n)'s POV

As I made my way to the canteen, my best friend from the next class, Saki, crashed into me and pulled me into a hug. "(Y/n)!!!!!" she squealed.

I laughed and gently peeled her off me. "Oh my gosh! Did you hear about the seven new boys in school? They are from that new Kpop group! Called..... Ummmm... BTS! That's it!"

"BTS? That's their group name? Well, I have two of them in my form class." I pondered. "Ooooooh! You lucky thing! I only had one new boy join my class, and his name is Seokjin!" Cue more squealing from Saki.

Well, the next class was Geography and I especially enjoy Geography because firstly, it's the only class I have with Saki and secondly, it's my best subject! What's not to love?

When we stepped into the classroom, all we heard was a lot of squealing. A bunch of girls were crowded around a table which a bored-looking boy occupied, his hands continuously drumming on the table.

"Oh my gosh! That's V !" Saki fangirled excitedly. "V? What kind of name is that?" I asked Saki, confused.

"You are really clueless, aren't you?" Saki tittered with an amused expression on her face. "V is actua..."

She was cut off by a pissed off teacher who was screaming," Class! Park your filthy behinds to your chairs or a week of detention awaits you!"

Geez, ever since the new boys joined the school ,the teachers have been screaming their lungs out mostly at the crazed fangirls. They are nothing much to go crazy over, right?

But the teacher's threat certainly worked. Everyone was back in their seats in a matter of seconds.

The smile reappeared on the teacher's face, then calmly announcing,"So, we are going to do a project. A group project." An excited babble broke out among the students, already choosing who they want to be their partner.

"And your partners will be chosen by ME." The teacher continued, emphasising the last word.

Groans and complaints echoed throughout the classroom but the teacher continued her speech.

"And you will be doing this in pairs. The first pair is Kim Ji Soo and Park Soong Hyuk."

Ji Soo and Soong Hyuk looked at each other, shrugging, and I could practically hear their thoughts.

'It could be worse.'

"Kim Hyun Ji and Nam Ji Seok . (L/n) (Y/n) and Lee Kuang Sik." The teacher rattled on.

I heaved a sigh of relief. Kuang Sik and I weren't particularly close but we were in the same class back in the second year of high school and his grades were pretty good, and if this was a group project, my grades are going to be safe.

I whipped my head around and scanned the class for Kuang Sik. Weird. He was a tall boy for his age but why can't I seem to find him?

"Oh, I'm sorry, (Y/n)," the teacher apologised. "I just remembered that Kuang Sik is down with high fever and won't be coming back to school for another week."

I tried to hide my disappointment but my face morphed into a face that said ' I-am-going-to-fail-this-project-so-badly'.

"Okay then, (Y/n) your new partner will be Kim Tae Hyung." This name felt foreign to my ears. Who was he?

I raised my hand, asking," Excuse Miss, but who is Kim Tae Hyung?" V slid into my seat, pressing his shoulders against mine and whispered," Me."

Thank you so much to whoever reads this❤️ follow and vote because it's for a good cause, to increase my non-existence self-confidence! Or maybe it's shameless self-promotion. Oops

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