Please... stop it

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(Y/N)'s POV

" Me." As soon as he breathed those words into my ear, my first instinct was to shove him off my chair due to my shock .

With a surprised yelp, he toppled off the chair and landed on the ground, face-first. Ooooh that must have hurt.

He got up, a bright smile still plastered on his face, as well as a newly-formed bruise on his forehead.

"Ddaeng girl, what a greeting!" He chuckled and extended his hand for me to shake. "I'm Kim Taehyung, and I guess I'll be in your care for the next two weeks then!" He then grinned adorably- no, more like devilishly.

The girl sitting next to me swooned, pretending to faint. Urgh, how disgusting. I proceeded to awkwardly shake his hand, but unexpectedly, he gripped down tight.

Wow, he's got a strong grip. As the teacher explained more about the project, I saw from my peripheral vision that he kept sneaking glances at me.

Slightly irritated I turned to him, asking what he wanted. "Hehehe, nothing in particular. The lesson was getting boring so I thought I would focus on something more interesting." He said.

At a loss for words, I concentrated on the lesson once again, but with a bewildered look on my face. A soft chuckle escaped his lips, but I pretended not to notice.

Soon after, class ended and I packed my things as quickly as I could but before I could leave, a boy rushed towards me, with a pissed look on his face.

Crap crap crap crap who did I offend this time, I thought, bracing myself. However, he raced past me, slamming his fists on Taehyung's table. "HOI WHY DID YOU TAKE MY PENCIL CASE AND MANGA WITHOUT PERMISSION?? YOU LITTLE SHI-"

He cut off, looking back and realising the teacher was still there, and was giving him weird looks. "Oh, um. Sorry teacher. I didn't realise you were there hahah..." He drifted off awkwardly.

"It's okay, you can continue with your grand speech, I don't mind," my teacher comments sarcastically, waving his hand as him prompting him to go on.

The boy turns red, and then drags Taehyung out by the collar. "Come on Suga Hyung, don't be like this. I only broke one pencil this time," he grinned sheepishly as he disappeared behind the classroom door frame.

Su- Suga? Is that another stage name? So that boy was also a star? Well judging from my female classmates' squealing I'm guessing my intuition must be correct.

Dammit. Why won't they all just leave me alone? Kimna would probably take this as another chance to bully me if she was to see that her idols were talking to me. The pathetic little girl that was fun to pick on. Why won't everyone just let me live my life...

Authors note: Hey everyone! I've decided to continue this story, although I initially started this because I was bored HAHAH Surprisingly, some people have been asking for an update of this trashy story, so I hope I don't disappoint :) Thank you for supporting this fanfic!
Jimin: Wasn't this a little too short? NO HOESEOK IM NOT TALKING ABOUT MYSELF
Jimin:*clears throat* um sorry about that was clearing up some trash
Jimin: Anyways, I would really appreciate it if you voted for this chapter and continue supporting this story!
Taehyung: Meanwhile, pray for my sorry ass that Yoongi doesn't kill me, 'kay?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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