chapter 1

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A soft chuckle escaped from my lips as I witnessed how the girl badmouthed the guy who was trying to hit on her.

Jessica Jung, the school's most popular girl, not only because of her undeniably perfect physical appearance but also her intimidating behavior.

I had never seen her with anyone neither lover nor friends.

Although everyone would throw their selves just to be with her, she still chose to be alone and that is because she prefers to.Shot a glance at her and she'll glare at you. Talk to her and she'll turn you down. Try to hit on her and she'll surely embarrass you.

Just enough reason to leave her alone, right? But they would never do that since the school has started making bets that whoever can break the ice that Jessica had yielded for herself from everyone is getting a million dollars.Pretty much enticing that I've once thought of tryingto join but I just erased it since I do not want to be cursed or something.

"Hey Yoona!"I woke up from my reverie when I heard Tiffany called me. I lifted my head to look at her."What?""Did you just see that?" Tiffany asked with a wide grin playing on her lips.I slowly nodded, fully aware of what she was talkingabout."I suggest they should stop that betting. We all know that no one can win the prize.""So you're saying you can't as well?""It's not that--""You, the almighty Im Yoona who was known as the ultimate playgirl can't get that y hot girl Jessica? Ohcome on! I've always thought you're not just interested at the prize that you're not even making amove but now, after hearing your words, I can say that I'm wrong.""Yah! I'm really not interested at the prize!" I retorted.Which is a lie. I want the prize, I really do but....I'm afraid of rejection. I don't want to be rejected knowing that it will be a big step on my pride.Tiffany then narrowed her eyes, scaring the hell out of me."Then go and make a move. Get her, Yoona. Make her yours. Forget about the prize if you're really not interested to it. I'm challenging you."I blinked my eyes.What the hell is she saying?"I'm not going to fall for that, Tiffany Hwang. I don't care--""You're just afraid to be rejected. Come on, Yoona! Ifyou can't get her, then I don't think your title 'ultimate playgirl' suits you anymore."And that caught me off guard.I let out a heavy sigh before directly looking at her."Fine! Just talking to her is not that easy, you know that. So give me at least two to three months.""But for a heartthrob like you, making a simple conversation with her shouldn't be a hard task."I scrunched my eyebrows, anxiously."Okay! A month."She then flashed a victorious smile."30 days it is."----

DAY 1:

I looked over my shoulders to glance at the solo girl at the back of our classroom. She had her head buried on the desk of her chair, probably sleeping while earphones were stuck on her ears.I shook my head. Jessica is definitely not my ideal type although I would admit that I could sometimes caught myself drooling over her pretty face and y figure; she's still not the kind of a person I would meet at the altar.Jessica is such a lazy bum. She never paid attention to our lessons and was always scolded forNOT bringing books, making assignments and attending at the right time of our classes.And that's what bringing headache to me now. Well,I just only have to pursue a girl whom I would never put as a candidate to the lineup of my future bride. And what's worst is, I just might get REJECTED in the end.Argh! Damn you, Tiffany Hwang!Then suddenly, the bell rings, signaling that our class was now dismissed. Our professor muttered his goodbye before stepping out of the room.With that, I stood up from my seat, head facing Jessica who got awakened by the loud ringing of the bell. She scratches her eyes lazily which I found cute and adorable.After fixing her things, Jessica went out and was quickly followed by her admirers.I felt a tap on my shoulder so I tilted my head only to see a smiling Tiffany."Goodluck, Yoong! Do your best for the day 1." she said before walking out of the room.I sighed.Yeah! I just have to do my best, I guess.I made my way towards the locker room where Jessica would definitely go after class.And yes! How genius I am, after seeing the blonde haired girl who was throwing her things on her locker"Hey Jessica!" I called in a pretty much audible voice but as what expected from a snob like her, mygreetings fell on a deaf ears.I then coolly moved to her other side where she could surely see me."Hey.. Gorjess." I uttered the school's 'usual' remark to her which finally earned her attention.She glared at me and I'll be lying if I would say that Ididn't tremble for a moment in there.So I guess, this is what they called 'Sica's effect'.She finished arranging her things in a fast pace and starts walking away, completely ignoring my presence.I just heaved a sigh as I followed her fading figure with my eyes.Mostly, people would sacrifice their precious skin and act to get trip or something just to garner my attention.(Well, that's the least thing they can do to earn a glance from me.) But really! With this certain Jung, I felt like a trash.What really is she? How could she ignore a gorgeous girl like me? Is she straight?But I guess no. She's not even interested in any kindof people. Boys, girls and even gays."It's okay, Yoona. You still have 29 days." I mumbledto myself as I make my way home.But it seems like luck wasn't on my side since for the past whole week, I only received harsh rejections from her even though I'm still not asking her for a freaking date!I feel like a ghost every time I would approach her! But that was much better than what happened yesterday that made me feel so small around everyone. Well, I just decided to gave her cookies in which I thought she would like since I've always seen her eating that brown round food but then she returned my kindness by saying that I should stop wasting my time to her because she will never ever like an idiot like me in front of everyone! And oh, shealso added these words 'You know what, I don't even have an idea why almost everyone were throwing their selves over you when you look nothing but giraffe. Your neck is too long.' which earned laughters from all of the people inside the cafeteria.I clenched my fist.Now, I only have 23 days left.Nevermind! That was enough!I'm not going to continue this freaking bet.That girl! How could she say that? She's not that even beautiful! Honestly, she looks like a rat rather than an innocent cat just like what everyone says. Poor cats for being compared to a freaking monsterwho is acting all snob because she thinks everyone is falling head over heels for her. Well ! They're just approaching you because of the million dollars above your head!My ears instantly perked up after hearing the sudden ring of the bell. My classmates start gathering their things including Jessica while I just remain on my seat.I buried my head on the desk, exasperatedly. I assumed that I'm the only one left on the room since my surroundings fell quiet.But Oh boy how wrong I am."What now? You're giving up the million dollars?"My head shot up from where it was after hearing that cold question or more like a sarcastic remark.She smirked but it out came to me as a faint smile before walking out from the room, leaving me behind."J-Jessica.." I softly mumbled as I stared at the doorwhere I last seen her.So she's aware of the bet.

DAY 8:

I was about to left the room just like what everyone was doing when I noticed a notebook on the floor near Jessica's chair.I picked it up and admired its beautiful cover.So this might be hers.Not that I was born as a busybody but just out of curiosity, I opened the notebook and realized that it was really hers.A smile crept on my face after reading the important note on the first page.It says'Meddling with other person's stuff is a crime. I'll make sure you'll live the rest of your life in hell if you read this without my permission.'I shook my head. Seriously! I wonder what was written in here that can't be touch by anyone.I then skipped to the second page.'It's only our first day of class and almost everyone was trying to hit on me already. Why are they like that? They didn't even know me in the first place. What if I'm some kind of a psycho? Why are they only basing on one's physical appearance? Aish! They're seriously making me sick. Now I think it's better to be alone :/'I creased my forehead as I tried remembering our first day of class.I gasped as the realization hits me.Oh right! She seemed to be so friendly back then. And yeah! Almost everyone was talking about her.I sat down on Jessica's chair as I turned to the next page and starts reading again.'My God! They're everywhere! They're always following me wherever I go. I tried pushing them away in a nice way but they don't give a damn! Argh! I want to be alone! Where is my privacy?!'I chuckled. I can almost imagine her blurting out those words.'Okay! That's it! I'm done with being oh-so-nice! Today, I transformed into a devil. I scolded all of them!''Oh! My life is getting good. No one's approaching me since they would only received a deathly glare from me. I'm so happy! I should continue being a snob like this.'Tch! Damn those psycho stalkers! They're the reason why she's acting cold. They turned her into amonster!I just sighed before continue flipping through some pages.'Life's been good to me these past few days. But no oh! What happened today? They're all hitting on me again! Pursuing me as if they like me to death! Now,my life again! I wonder what happened.'My eyes widened in horror after seeing the next page. The paper was full of dots which are probably made by a hard jabbing of pen in the paper.Jessica might be really mad while doing this. It waslike she's imagining that this paper was someone and the pen she's using is a knife.I then turned to the next page.'DAMN! ALL OF THEM! HOW COULD THEY DO THISTO ME?! WHAT DID I DO TO THEM?! WHY?! BETTING ON ME?! MAKING ME FALL IN LOVE TO EARN A MILLION DOLLARS?! ! WHAT AM I?! THEIR TOY!!! DAMN! I'LL MAKE SURE NO ONE CAN WIN THE PRIZE!!'I tugged on my sleeves. My heart beats faster than its normal rate for some reason.Jessica...'Go on! Tried talking to me. I promised to double theamount of the money you're all betting on if you guys can make me yours.''Wow! I can see that almost everyone were interested at the prize. Well, except of a certain person on my class. Im Yoona. She never tried talking to me or even approaches me. I wonder why.Hmm.. Maybe she's not just interested at the prize. How I wish there are lots of people like her.'And that caught me off guard.'How I wish there are lots of people like her.'I stared at the ground.She must be really disappointed.I then weakly turned to the next page.'Im Yoona. I thought she's different but she's just like others. It's my fault. I shouldn't have assume things. Now, I can't help but to feel disappointed.'Sighing heavily, I kept the notebook on my bag after knowing that it was the last note.Now, I understand her.I still have 22 days left.It will not be very hard.Or at least that was what I wish.

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