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It had now been a full week since the party, and I had to make up with Nathan. I knew he wouldn't want to talk to me, so I had a plan. 

Nathan had been taking the jeep for the past few days, and I had been going with Jade. This morning, I had gotten up an hour earlier than normal. I grabbed the car keys off the kitchen table and slipped into the driver's seat. Nathan would come out looking for them, and we would be forced to talk. It was a fool proof plan. I sat there for a few minutes, twirling my thumbs around trying to pass the time. What was I going to say to him? 

The passenger door opened and Nathan climbed in. He didn't seem surprised at all, and acted almost as if he was expecting this. At the exact same time, we both blurted out the same two words. 

"I'm sorry." 

We both looked at each other shocked at what the other had said. Nathan took this as an opportunity to speak up.  

"I deserved it, Nina. I was such a dick at the party. I know that my overprotectiveness is really out of control. It's just that everything that happened last year really made me question what my purpose was in this life. I came to earth to be your brother. As a brother, I have responsibilities; to love you, to always be there for you, and to protect you. I feel like I failed all three of those. And when that... thing happened to you last year, it just ripped me apart. I know I need to do better, and I know that I've said this a thousand times. I just keep doubting your strength and I cannot let anything happen to you ever again, Nina. I can't go through the agony of you being hurt. It's still affecting you, Nina. I can see it in your eyes." 

He paused for a moment.  

"I just really want you to be happy, Nina." 

I had no words. My brother was famous for giving me these speeches, and by this point I was accustomed to them. For some reason, this one was completely different. I could see the pain flashing in his eyes. His happy personality was gone when he acted like this. He stared right at me, begging for me to understand. 

I reached out and put my hand in his. 

"I love you, Nathan. You're the best brother I could ever ask for. What I did was so very wrong. I don't know why I was acting like such a bitch to you. I know you were just looking out for me, and I should've listened to you. You were damn right. I hate to admit it, but I'm weak."

Nathan's eyes went darker as he gave me a stone cold serious look. 

"You're not weak, Nina. You're not fucking weak. Don't ever say that again." 

I glanced down, not able to meet his piercing gaze anymore. I decided to ignore what I said and continue my shitty apology. 

"We've both made mistakes, and we've both caused pain to each other, but we can't keep fighting like this." I whispered while leaning my head against his chest. "I need you, Nathan. I need you every single day. Without you, I'm not going to make it." 

He pulled me in for a hug as we both savored up the feeling of safety, warmth, and most importantly, love. 

He was the first to break the hold by straightening up and running his fingers through his hair. 

"We better get going. We don't wanna be late, Nervous-Nina." he chuckled. 

He glanced over to me and winked as I smirked and turned the key in the ignition and put the car in reverse. 

During the ride to school, I felt pure relief. Nathan and I had the heart-to-heart that we obviously both needed, and I had my goofy brother back. He was off rambling to me about how he had grown closer to some of the guys from the football team, and that was how he was staying busy this past week. I told him that I was spending all my time with Jade, and he smiled at that. 

I pulled into a parking space and turned off the car. Nathan hopped out, waving to someone else across the lot. I spent a moment checking my phone for a text from Jade and grabbing my backpack from the backseat. When I opened the car door, I heard my brother talking on the other side of me. Talking to Nyle

I turned away from them and began walking away quickly toward the school. They were friends now? Was he one of the guys from the team that he was growing closer with? 

"Nina!" Nate called out to me. 

I ignored him and began walking faster. Sadly, athletic him caught up to me in a millisecond. He stood in front of me, blocking my path. Nyle was walking over to us. 

"He's from the team. He's actually a really cool dude. I know the two of you didn't get off to the best start, but I really think you should give him another chance." 

Nathan stopped talking as Nyle approached us. He stood next to my brother but watched me intensely. 

"Hi Nin-" 

I didn't let him finish. 

"Don't come near me! So I guess the two of you are buddies now, huh? Well that's just great. Nathan, I don't care if he's a 'cool guy', but I want nothing to do with him." I fumed. 

"He cares about you, Nina! He fucking was there for you at the party when I wasn't around for you!" Nathan seethed. 

My eyes widened in realization. I turned my attention to Nyle. His eyes softened and showed guilt as he saw my eyes tearing up. 

"You told him about the party?" I choked. 

Nathan would never let me out of his sight again. I didn't want this mess for him. He couldn't be involved any more. I wanted him as my brother, and every time we fight it's because of my stupid problems and over what happened last year. Why was Nathan always dragged into my problems? 

I didn't wait for his response as I already knew the answer. 

"Stay out of my fucking life, Nyle." I growled before heading to the school hallway. 

He didn't let me have the last word. 


I immediately stopped walking and stood to face him in shock. 

"What did you just say?" 

"I'm not going to leave you alone, Nina. Nathan told me that-" 

"STOP!" I screamed. I got a few people around the school to turn their heads to look at me. 

I looked at my so called 'brother', betrayal all over my face. 

"You...told  him?" 

Nathan didn't say anything, because he didn't have an excuse. He just told a complete stranger my secret. The past that I so desperately wanted to put behind me. The longer the silence, the more I knew the answer. Nyle knew everything. I trusted Nathan. He knew how important this fresh start was for me. I didn't know Nyle! He'd probably go and tell everyone the second he got a chance. My life was over. My vision was blurring quickly from the small oceans that were gathering in my line of sight. 

"Fuck you, Nathan."

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