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The rest of the trip at the cabin flew by; we all got along quite well after all of the heart-to-heart conversations that had happened. I still hadn't found an opportunity to speak to Jade about what was going through her head, but I decided it was probably best to let her work through it on her own for now. 

We all cooked, laughed, and genuinely enjoyed each other's company as friends. Even Nyle and Nathan were getting along, which made me happy. 

The sad thing about a perfect day, however, is that it always comes to an end. The next morning, I was disappointed to see the trip come to an end; it was like my mind was able to put a pause on all the bad things that were happening in my life. I knew deep down in my heart that Bruce was hungrily waiting for me, and I had already decided that I would give myself up before anyone else got hurt. It was just the way it had to be, and I was certain that I would tell no one about this. 

I wasn't trying to be selfish, even though I knew that Nyle, Jade, and Nathan would all be furious at my decision. It definitely was coming from a sacrificial mindset, but I cared about them all too much to let anything happen to them. 

Nyle threw his bag into his car as Jade and Nathan trailed behind.

We said our brief farewells, and Nathan and Jade headed out. 

I took a deep gulp of the fresh mountain air, and I approached Nyle for a hug. He seemed less surprised at my initiative, and I was also proud of myself for being able to interact with others.

"I can't believe you did this for me, Nyle," I thanked him. "This weekend has been the best of my life."  

He wrapped his arms around my back and planted a kiss on the top of my head.  

"Anything for you," he replied. 

We gazed at and held each other for a few moments longer before heading into the car. 

As we pulled out of the driveway, it finally hit me that we were heading back. We had school tomorrow, and I had completely ignored Bruce's threat.

Nyle and I didn't really speak as we drove, but I could feel his gaze on me from time to time. After a while, I snapped out of my trance and realized that we weren't heading back home. 

"Nyle, where are we?" I questioned. 

He didn't respond but instead just smirked as we pulled onto a side road leading straight to the sea. We had returned to the ocean—our special, connected, unifying place. The sacred sand meant so much to me, and I was confused why we would return here. It had been a long drive from the cabin, and this just extended our journey even more. 

Nyle pulled his car into park by the shores. 

"Let's go," he simply said as he unlocked the car doors. 

I hesitantly followed him, wondering what on earth he was up to, and he didn't miss a beat. As we began walking along the edge of the water, he began to unravel his secrets. 

"I know what you're doing, Wells," he turned to face me. "I'm not gonna let you shut us all out, not anymore." 

I didn't respond to him; he was able to see right through me and it was embarrassing. 

"I can't let anyone get hurt because of me," I quietly admitted to him. 

"Nina, no one is going to get hurt, including you. I won't let you take the fall," he slightly raised his voice in a confident manner. "I brought you here so we can talk this out and figure out a way to keep everyone safe. I refuse to let you shut down and succumb to his threats." 

He was spot on; somehow Nyle was able to understand everything that was haunting my mind without me having to say anything. How was that possible in the slightest? It felt like there was some kind of magical property that went beyond my comprehension. 

Somehow, him saying this just made me angry. 

"I know him, Nyle," I replied with spite. "He's not going to back down for any reason; he's weaseled his way into the law enforcement to get himself protection, and he can make people like your brother into a damned monster." 

Nyle seemed hurt by my mention of his brother, and I regretted saying it. I knew Kyle meant a lot to him, he was his twin after all. He stopped walking and looked out to the waves as he clenched his jaw. 

"Why won't you let anyone help you, Nina?" 

I didn't have an answer for him, I just knew it was the way things had to be. No one was allowed to get hurt because of me, and he just didn't understand. 

"Nyle, why don't you get it?" I scoffed. "Look around at my life! When my parents found out about what Bruce had done, they packed us up, moved us across the country, and dumped me in therapy. Obviously Nathan hasn't been able to deal with anything properly, and he's a ticking time bomb with mood swings that he doesn't even understand." 

I immediately felt bad talking about Nathan with Nyle, but I just wanted him to understand. He didn't answer me, but he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly.

"Why do you think Nathan's so fucked up, Nina?" he sounded irritated. "Why do you think we're always anxious? Why do you think Nathan and I keep fighting over you? We're all here for you Nina, and at some point you have to accept that others care about you!" 

He took a moment to center himself as he ran his fingers through his hair while avoiding my piercing eye contact. After a while, he must have noticed that I wasn't responding to him, so he continued. 

"Look, I'm sorry I'm getting worked up. I just wish you wouldn't treat yourself like you're expendable. I just...I've been through this game before." 

Suddenly it all made sense as my heart sunk and my stomach flipped. Sarah had shut out her whole family, and now I was doing the exact same thing.

"You'd do anything to protect us all, Nina," he continued as I was freaking out. "Why can't you see that we'd do the same for you in a heartbeat? None of us are going to leave your side—" 

"You're right." 

Nyle seemed startled by my interruption, but I knew that he was right. I'd do anything for the people that I loved, it was stupid of me to think that it wasn't reciprocated. 

I reached forward and pulled Nyle into a bone-crushing hug, and he instantly returned it. 

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking, and you're right. You're always right." 

He chuckled in disagreement with my last statement. But, he suddenly picked me up by my waist and twirled me around—the sand dissipating from my feet.

"Just let me in, Wells. I swear I'll never let you go." 

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