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 It's been a long while. Sorry about that. I highly highly recommend you refresh your memory so you're not totally lost. Thanks to those of you that convinced/urged me to keep writing this story. (Note - it's not edited, and I wanted to specifically note that I know that my tenses are completely random and constantly changing - it's a first draft lol. I'm still trying to figure out how i want to write it in the first place.) Anyway, if you made it this far, enjoy!


It was inevitable. I was screwed. There wasn't anything that I could do to change how I felt about Nyle. As long as Bruce remained in the picture, however, I knew that I was going to do everything in my power to protect the people I love. But is it really them that needs the protecting? 

Bruce's threat was still running through my mind. I didn't know what I was going to do Friday, since it was already Thursday. I know that I can't just give up without a fight, but I refuse to put the people I love in any danger. I had to come up with a plan, and fast. 


"...And that's why I think that I need to leave town for a few days," I explain to Nyle. 

I basically told him that it was all too much and I couldn't focus on anything in school, and so I just needed a break. It wasn't a lie, but it definitely wasn't the whole truth. Nyle knew nothing about my little encounter with Bruce. 

He studies me at the lunch table, holding my gaze with an unreadable expression. After a few more moments of painful silence, his shoulders relax. 

"I think that's a great idea. We're going to go to my parent's cabin for the weekend." he declares.

I tense up at this. Him and me? Alone?

He must have noticed the worry in my eyes because he explains himself. 

"I mean we can get a whole group together. You, Nate, Jade and me." He smiles.

"What are we all doing?" a voice from behind me questions. 

Nate appears on my left and tousles my hair and Jade pops down on my right. 

"Nyle and I were thinking that we could all go away for the weekend. What do you think about that?"

"I think that's a great idea, sis! Road trip!" 

I internally cringe at the awkwardness that is my brother. I felt so safe around these people; I never wanted that to be taken from me. 

Bruce was still lingering in the back of my mind, and I had less than 24 hours until I had to deal with him. It's not the greatest idea of mine to just run and leave town, but it would buy me some more time. Bruce was already mad, so it's not gonna be that big of a difference when I return after the weekend. As always, I'm doing nothing but successfully avoiding confrontation. 

Nyle and I convinced the whole group to skip class Friday so we could leave as soon as our classes were over. I wasn't a ditcher, but I just can't be waiting around knowing that Bruce is waiting to pounce. This way, everyone he threatened will be with me—safe—and out of town. 

Nathan tossed the last bag in the jeep, and he turned to face me. He had a sincere expression on his face. 

"Nina, I have something to tell you." 

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked him in the eyes. 

"What's going on?" 

Was he not going on the trip? Was he mad at me? Did he know about what happened with Bruce in the jeep? I had rubbed the seats with so much clorox; he couldn't have figured it out...

His concern immediately turned into a wide grin as he made his announcement. 

"Jade and I are dating—it's official!" 

Relief washed over me as my mind was filled with genuine joy for the both of them. I pulled him in a tight hug. 

"I'm so happy for you two." 

He looked very happy—the happiest he's been in years. I was so thrilled that Jade was able to give him that spark—that sense of wonder. 

"Hey," I started as I pulled away from him. "Why don't you and Jade ride up together in the jeep? I'll catch a ride with Nyle." 

Nate's smile was still plastered on his face, and he was in such a carefree mood. He nodded eagerly and hopped in the drivers seat. The car started, and he pulled away to go pick up Jade. 

I pulled out my phone and texted Nyle to pick me up on the way to the cabin. 

I decided that I would just wait in the driveway for Nyle to get me, but I forgot that I'm a monster when I'm alone with nothing but the deafening silence of my empty thoughts. 

Why was I doing this? Bruce was waiting hungrily for me, and all I was doing was delaying the situation and putting everyone in more danger for the return. 

I crouched down onto the pavement, and pulled my knees in close to my chest. This was a mistake.  

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