Make things right.

31 1 20

A small body was tucked into the shadows in the corner of the room. Chest rising and falling in rather rapid movements with a rather weird looking plush held close to her chest.

It was Natalya.

"M-maybe I can adapt to this..." Her blue eyes stricken with pure terror as they darted around the room.

She could just feel it.

Something bad was going to happen today.

Gripping the plush tighter and pulled it even closer, if that was even possible, "Y-yeah...I can get used to th-this..."

Her hyperventilating slowly ceased, she was finally beginning to calm down, "Just think happy thoughts..."

"Oh really~?" A voice that she had never heard before spoke to her, practically mocking her with simple words.

Natalya looked around to find the source of the voice, but found nobody there. She was alone in the room, right?

"I must be imagining things..." The blonde female murmured to herself with a shrug.

"Ah, not quite, dear~" A faint giggle bounced off of the walls, now Natalya was hyperventilating again. Why was she hearing voices!?

"I can make your darkest desires come to reality~" A hand had placed itself on top of her head, ruffling her blonde Locks and for some reason, she wasn't scared anymore. She found comfort in the very familiar touch.

"So you can make me a giant cake that will last for eternity?" Natalya asked with a smile, she felt a ease when she was talking to the voice.

It giggled once more, "Yep, but we all know that you want her dead..." The voice sounded distorted.

"N-no, who am I to ruin someone else's happiness...?" Natalya sighed, shaking her head. She stood up and tossed the plush aside.

The hand moved down from her head to her cheek, patting it, "Don't deny it~" It moved down to the throat, gripping it tightly.

Natalya was struggling to breathe and talk, her lungs slowly running out of air, "Le-let go..."

The voice let out a soft growl and a sudden force slammed her against the wall.


It knocked all of the air out of her lungs, which made it even more difficult to breathe.

"I'm going to make things right for you, so stop resisting!" A burning sensation erupted all over the poor girls body. Small cuts began to mark themselves into her skin, causing even more pain.

A scream came from her now raw throat, everything hurt. She clawed at her throat, only drawing blood from her throat.

Unable to withstand all of the pain at once, she passed out and her body limply fell to the ground.

Her eyes snapped open, but they where a bright red instead of the normal blue.

"Make things right..."

// Welp-

That just happened

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