Always and forever...

26 2 9

A warm sense of comfort surrounded her cold body, floating among the endless white pit. Not a feeling of dread to be noticed.

What was this? Why was this happening?

She was dead, right? She had fallen victim to her own demise.

"Natalya..." The voice, that unforgettable voice from many years ago. It was quite strange that the blonde female hadn't forgotten about her.


The childhood friend and first love of Natalya Arlovskaya. The elegant female had died long ago, leaving poor Natalya to patch up her broken heart.

She never was she successful in doing so, even to this day. She always stayed on Natalya mind.

"Natalya..." Her velvety voice was music to anyone's ears, but it confused Natalya. It was mature.

"Natalya!" Emily's voice finally snapped her out of it. Her sky blue eyes snapped opened, only for them to clash with Emily's olive green eyes.

"Emily..." Natalya voice was barely above a faint whisper, she couldn't believe it. There stood Emily.

..She was absolutely Stunning..

"E-emily!" Natalya tackled the other female into a tight hug and Emily hugged back with the same amount of strength.

"I've missed you..." Natalya had buried her face into the corner of Emily's neck, inhaling her sweet fragrance.

Emily giggled, rubbing circles into Natalya's back, "I've missed you too!"

After what had seemed like hours of hugging, the two finally parted from the hug, much to each others dismay.

"We need to talk." The seriousness in Emily's voice made the smile on Natalya face falter.

"A-about what..?" Natalya eyed Emily curiously, but quickly realized the entire situation.

"You can't stay here with me, Natalya. People miss you...You have to go back." It broke Natalya heart to hear Emily say that. They had just been reunited, why ruin this precious moment? They could finally be finally happy together after all these years of being separated, yet Emily wanted her to go back?

"N-no, I want to stay here with you!" Natalya gently cupped Emily's cheeks within her hands, grazing them light with her thumb.

Emily shook her head, grabbing Natalya's hands and pulling them away from her face. She intertwined their fingers.

"As much as I want you to stay, you can't..." Emily heaved a shaky sigh, her heart was breaking by the second.

"I-I-I," Natalya was struggling to say something, her mind was in a frenzy of emotions, "I love you!" She had unknowingly shouted her feelings out loud.


"I love you too, Natalya..." That one response that she had been waiting to hear, that one response that she had been waiting to hear since childhood. It finally came.

No more words where spoken, but the space between their lips had grown rather thin, getting closer and closer before...

They collided with eachother.

This was something Natalya could only do once, and it was killing her on the inside. She would never be able to feel the same soft pressure on her lips again and she hated it.

The kiss lasted for a bit before they pulled away and both stared eachother in the eyes.

"Your crying..." Emily pointed out and Natalya blinked at this. When had she started to cry? During the kiss? Maybe.

She shrugged it off, "You have no idea about how long I've been waiting to do that..." A smile had placed itself upon both of their faces, they where both overjoyed.

"Long enough." Emily giggled, but her smile had soon fell. Her olive green eyes had trailed down towards the ground, "It's time already...?"

Natalya looked down as well, only to fine the bottom half  of her body gone, "W-whats happening!?" She was beginning to panic.

"Shh, don't worry," Emily was once again looking Natalya in the eye, "It'll be alright, I promise."

Natalya's worries had completely faded, the sense of panic had completely faded, "Alright..."

Emily grinned and brought Natalya in for another kiss, this was it. Natalya was leaving.

Natalya's body slowly began to fade away as Emily broke the kiss, "I love you, Emily..."


Lots of tears fell down Emily's cheeks, she would never see Natalya again, "I-I love you too..."

"Always and forever..."

//I totally didn't cry while writing this-

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