Hermaphroditic freaks

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This now barren planet, which was once my home, held so little now. Years ago I was so happy, when did it all change? When did it all become such a night mare. I knew the answer right away. It was my fourth year of life, when my uncle on my fathers side kidnapped me. Ever since then, my life was in ruins and many people died. I was now fifteen and the only remaining Z-Fighter alive. It was a cold and lonely existence.

The first to go was dad of course, in the fight against Cell where my new Super Saiyan powers went out of control. Even though he died I still persuaded dad to teach me the Instant Transmission technique. The next to go was Krillin who was killed in the fight with Bojack. Tien was next who died in a similar way as Krillin. Than it went Yamcha who was killed in a car crash ( give me a break, I couldn't find anything better. And I don't want to introduce my new enemy... just yet).

Bulma died a little after she took me in when mother kicked me out of the house. Because of her death, Vegeta went on a rampage and destroyed the entire east coast, evidently killing mom and grandpa. Let's just say I wasn't too heartbroken over her death. Grandpa, yes. her. no. Piccolo and I had no choice but to finish him off, which led to Piccolo-sensei's death. As he died in my arms, Piccolo gave me all of his wisdom. I tried to bring them back with the Dragon Balls but Shenron said it was beyond his power. I couldn't just let the great dragon go to waste, and by the end of the day I was a full Saiyan and knew the Saiyan language. Dende soon died after that.

All this took place in just a short amount of time. After Vegeta's attack the world had a civil war, and  the result? No one survived. I stood on the lookout looking down to the Earth with no other option 'I have to do this, for the sake of My family.' Turning back on the world I walked to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to get something, something I found there while was training when dad was asleep.

When I entered I burst into Super Saiyan Rage ( this is Super Saiyan 2, look it up and it will be under the alternate names) and rushed into the white abyss. I knew how far it was and I knew I could get there easily. Contrary to popular belief the H.T.C wasn't endless as I found that out while exploring at nights. 'Where is it, where is it' I thought frantically. Finally I found it. It was a digital encyclopedia on over twenty-six thousand alien species, including Saiyans. Apparently this thing has been here for a long time because it was worn out.


Two hours later I was now sitting on the lookout meditating. How long has it been since I've had interaction with people? It didn't  matter because now it was time to go. This place held no more meaning for me, at least not in this time-line. Putting two fingers to my forehead I concentrated on Mooris Ki, I knew his Ki all too well from my time on Namek. 'Where is he? Shouldn't he be... THERE!' I thought and in an instant I vanished.

                                                             NEW NAMEK

New Namek, an peaceful world full of a Hermaphroditic slug like race that reproduced asexually...A little too much info maybe? Well to bad. Anyways this planet was home to Earth  last guardian, Dende. I couldn't wait to see Moori again, if he'll ever want to see me. It didn't surprise me that I didn't get my location just right but oh well, at least I'm here. I took a few minutes to look around, nothing was really different than the last Planet Namek, it was still green sky, green water, and blue grass.

I knew they were coming, and they were coming fast. I couldn't seem too threatening so I just stood there, eyes closed and arms folded. I soon sensed that the Nameks stopped just a few feet in front of me. There power levels were very strong, not as strong as me, even in my normal state. "Yo" I said casually opening my eyes and uncrossing my arms.

"Who are you?" one said. "What do you want on Namek!" that sounded a little threatening...Sighing I spoke up.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone, I'm just here to see elder Moori." Luckily they believed me. It took a couple of minutes to get to Moori's village but we did eventually get there. Nameks from all over had gathered around to see the visitor just to see a glimpse, and of course to provide protection. The only one not worried about me was my old friend, Elder Moori himself. "It's good to see that at least one person here recognizes me, Elder Moori." I said as I landed in front of him and knelt on one knee.

"Well, well, well if it isn't young Gohan. What a pleasant surprise to see you." Moori said, chuckling a bit at himself. I stood myself up and hugged the hardly aging Namek.

"It's good to see you as well my old friend. I just came to ask you for the use of your Dragon Balls." I said. I needed this.

"The Dragon Balls? Well sure you can Gohan, of course I knew that you wouldn't do anything to potentially hurt anyone?" Good old Moori, looking out for his people. I nodded my head and the elders from the other villages showed up with the balls. "Would you like to give it a try Gohan?" He asked. I was a little surprised that Moori knew that I spoke perfect Namekian.

"You know me Moori I'm always up for a challenge." I said excitedly.(No actual Namek dictionary is provided to me since Job Corps computers block so much so I'm just doing my own thing.) "Porunga Astirec!" I yelled in Namek. A few seconds passed and the Dragon Balls Glowed rapidly until the glowing light shot into the sky to form the twisting form of the great Namekian Dragon known as Porunga.

"You have summond me from my slumber, speek your wish and if it is in my power then I shall make it so." Porungas booming voice ripped through to air and at that point I couldn't wait to make my with.

AN:OK people read and review!

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