Standing up to the harpy

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It's been several weeks since I came back to Earth and I had to beg Piccolo to let me help him train Gohan. Gine(My grandmother) was staying with Bulma, who was almost done with my Ki Suppressor. I taught Gohan how to use mental attacks like the Kaioken and telepathy. I never left his side, well OK I did but that was to tell Kami to warn King Kai not to tell Kakarot about me (Confusing right?). I told Piccolo and Kami all about me, who I was, Where I was from, and what happened in the future(not all of the future). Kami took it very well, yet Piccolo I had to convince. I'll spare you those horrible details.

Grandmother kept her promise and told no one of who I was. I loved having her around. She taught me many things like the Saiyan customs and whatnot, and even about my grandfather. After I heard of him I wanted to honor him, so I started to where a head-band the same why, it even had my blood in it. It was getting close to when Vegeta was supposed to come and I needed to do one more thing before I went and watched the battle, I had a plan and I was going to go through with it even if it cost me.

I was close to Bulma's place when I felt the powers of Vegeta and Nappa approaching earth faster than I wanted, nor remembered. Landing at Capsule Corps. I didn't even bother to ring the door bell and just walked right in. I was greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Briefs but I gave them no answer. When I reached Bulma's lab I knocked and in no time Bulma opened the door. "Oh hey it's you, I was wondering when I'd see you again." She said.

"Yeah well I have a lot to do and so little time to do it." I answered with a smile.

"So you gonna finally tell me who you really are?" Bulma asked. Just one look at her pleading face and I just couldn't say no.

"OK, but you must promise to never speak of this to anyone." I saw her nod and told her everything. The news of me being Gohan from the future was a big shock to her. Our conversation was interrupted by Gine coming in. She looked between us for a little bit and spoke.

"Well Bulma, from this point of view I'm guessing he told you?" I didn't mind now that she said it, if it were before I told her I would have scold her. Bulma nodded and I left, I needed to get to the fight.

                                                        Time Skip

I landed just as the Saibamen were released. "Oh it looks like we have another toy to play with Vegeta" I heard Nappa say. Honestly this guys voice is very annoying. All of the Z-Fighters looked at me, and only Piccolo and Gohan acknowledged me.

"It's good to see you've finally made it Shinn, Don't want to miss out on all the fun?" Piccolo asked. The only answer I gave him was me attaching my Ki Suppressor to my wrist and handing one each to Piccolo and Gohan. This was going to be a bloody battle.

.....You know what I'm going to skip the boring parts and go straight to the fun.

We watched as all of our friends(not mine, but young Gohan) die at the hands of the Saibamen and Nappa, he was going to blast Gohan when I saw Piccolo get in the way. Time seemed to slow down as I saw this, I couldn't loose Piccolo again and neither should Gohan, I did the only thing that came to mind, I got in front of him and took the blast. "Did I get 'im?" I heard Nappa ask. I could hear the excitement in his voice. As the smoke cleared Piccolo and Gohan looked at me in shock. The only thing that was wrong was that my normal cloak was now gone and I stood in full glory. I had my usual 'Picclol' Gi on, and I was in my normal state.

"It isn't nice to try and kill little kids." I said dangerously. Nappa laughed and charged me, I didn't want to kill him, that was Vegeta's job so I just stalled him. Dodging and blocking his attacks were as easy as blinking. As time past Nappa was loosing a lot of energy and I decided to call it quits.

"What!? You can't just give up, this is a life and death situation!" Piccolo screamed.

"I'm only quitting because we have a visitor." I said in my normal cold, stoic voice. For some reason Piccolo was the one to always shiver in fear away from my voice and Gohan just smiled or laughed. I saw as they followed my line of sight and I could only smirk inwardly as I saw none other than Kakarot.

As Kakarot landed He looked to Vegeta and Nappa in disgust and anger, then he looked to me in confusion. "Uuuhh, who are you?" He asked, but as he soon realized I would only glare at him. I finally did speak though.

"That Kakarot is none of you business." I didn't like the glare he gave me for calling him by his given name so I returned it with one of my own.

Anyways the fight went on with Kakarot winning and I thought, Vegeta did kill Nappa. The battle with Vegeta was long and hard and I was secretly hoping Vegeta would win. But I knew how things must end and I just watched. The only thing I did in this battle was calm Gohan down and helped him gain control of his Oozaru state. I was tempted to kill Vegeta there and then but I just couldn't, Vegeta was one of the only people who cared for me in my time. As I saw Vegeta escape I couldn't help but thing 'Goodbye Veggie Breath, we'll meet again soon.'

I walked to where everyone was, sitting there exhausted. Gohan was the only one who was glad to see me. "And where the hell were you all this time Shinn!" Piccolo and he says that my mother was loud.

"You know as well as I do that I couldn't interfere with this battle Piccolo." I looked to Gohan, he didn't look that bad. I knelt down beside him "How are you Gohan, you OK?" I asked. He nodded and kept on smiling.

                                                                         Time Skip

Everyone that was left in the battle with Vegeta and Nappa were in the hospital. I went to go get Bulma and Gine from C.C. As I open the door to the room I saw Chichi yelling at Gohan to study, I knew he didn't want to I went through the same thing. "I will not be raising a bum, get to studying Gohan or it's the frying pan!" Gohan whimpered as the bitch brought IT out. I couldn't let this happen so I walked to her, grabbed the stupid pan and crushed it. The look on her face was priceless. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'R DOING!!!?"

I just glared at her more. I did not like her treating him like this. I turned to Gine and my eyes pleaded for her to shut this THING up. Even if she was no fighter I knew that Gine was stronger than my 'Biological' mother. She nodded and stepped to Chichi. "I will not  have you putting this child to work while he's still healing from a battle, nor any other time. Gohan will study when he wants."

"And who are you to tell me what to do with my own child!?" The banshee yelled.

"I am his grandmother and your mother-in-law!" Gine yelled. Take that yah damn virus.

"My mother-in-law? HAH well you haven't heard the news but Goku doesn't have parents!" She said smirking.Wow... Talk about idiotic. Gine was the only one to show her Saiyan heritage with pride and wear her tail out, couldn't the Harpy see that? Bulma walked as prepared as always.

"Actually Chichi, Gine here is indeed one-hundred present Gokus biological mother." She said handing Chichi the file. Kakarot and his banshee read the file together. Kakarot looked up at Gine.

"So you really are my mother?" He asked, yay give the man a prize.

"Yes Kakarot I am your mother. But if I ever catch you or the harpy putting young Gohan in a situation where he doesn't want to be..." Oh no. "I WILL CASTRATE YOU AND THEN KILL YOU AS MANY TIMES AS KAMI WILL ALLOW MEEEEEE!" Kakarot and Chichi looked panicked and then looked to where Gohan was...but he wasn't there.

"Where is Gohan anyways?" Asked Kakarot. Grandma looked to where I was only to see me gone as well. A smirk placed itself on her face.

"Shinn took him." She said and Chichi looked pissed.


Gohan and I were laughing as we made our way to a secluded area to spar. Suddenly we heard a yell.

"GOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!".......We both laughed again. I am defiantly corrupting him.


OK people, new chapter.

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