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The cold winds of Darjeeling, passing through Gates of the St. Pauls school, hits Kunj as soon as he enters his college campus. He looks around to find her standing in the midst of her Girl friends group. As soon as he sees her, he looses himself, his senses goes numb. Everything, damn! every single thing stops for him. The girl in her early twenties, brownish hairwith the deep, dark hazel brown eyes and the light pink shaded lip gloss suiting her creamy whitish skin with the pink natural blush appeared after seeing him. She excused herself from her not-so competitive friends and approached towards him.

"Dude! Why does she happen to look so beautiful each time I see her. I fall even more for her than I did yesterday!" Kunj was snapped out by this words and turned around to look at his bestie starring at his love with a cute pout. A smile appears on Kunj's face seeing him but soon fades away as soon as he registers his best friend's words in his brain.

But gathers some courage and forces a smile."Ahem Ahem! Bro I m also here! Forget your bro when you get your Love? You follow the same policy, isn't it?" Kunj says trying to control himself from busting out in laughter. Yuvraj's lips form a -O-.

"Saale..." He stopped as Twinkle came to them.

"Hello Yuvraj!", Twinkle greets Yuvraj forwarding her hand and Yuvraj slowly shakes his hands with her saying, "Hello Twinkle!".

"Hello Kunj!" She said blushing and forwarding her hand. Kunj just said a "Hello" and left from there to some of the girls near by.

Twinkle's smile fades away but she smiles infront of yuvraj. She was about to leave when Yuvraj held her wrist.

Twinkle raises her eye brows, as a indication of asking "what?", Yuvraj quickly leaves her wrist and says, "Actually, I didn't had my breakfast today, so can you please accompany me to the canteen? As Kunj is nowhere to be seen!".

Twinkle smiles and nods in yes. Yuvraj smiles brightly. Both move towards the canteen which is obviously seen by Kunj. Kunj smiles within teary eyes.


Yuvraj's POV:

Twinkle I love you so much! I love you more than I did yesterday. It feels so beautiful when you are beside me. I don't know why I feel that you don't hold the same feelings for me as I hold for you! Why I feel like that you already like someone? Why I feel that you are going through some kind of pain? Why Twinkle? Whatever may be the reason but I love you the way you are! I... I love you the most accha okay I love you and Kunj the most. If Kunj is my life than you are my breath Twinkle! I need both of you so that I can live! I love you both so much!

Yuvraj's POV ends!

Twinkle's POV:

Kunj why do you always ignore me and go to those girls, Kunj I love you na! It hurts when you ignore me for those girls! You always do this to me! Other side is our friend, Yuvraj, who is totally opposite from you! He is such a nice person! He can never hurt anyone like you always do to me! Kunj atleast once look at me with ur love filled eyes, I crave for it everyday! You are love Kunj! Once love me back.

Twinkle's POV ends!

Kunj's POV:

Twinkle, I m really sorry for my attitude towards you! I know I always hurt you but still you won't say anything! Twinkle I love you so much! You are my moon Twinkle! But I won't tell you how much I love you b'cause as much as I love you, I love Yuvraj too. If Yuvraj is my heart than you are my heartbeat Twinkle! I can't lose either of you! I love you so much Twinkle! Yuvraj will always keep You happy as he loves you! I know that if I tell him that I love you, thenit would surely break him, which I don't want! So somethings are better to be unsaid!

By thinking this I kissed Twinkle's picture, which was being displayed on my phone, and kept it back in my pocket. I quickly wiped the tears which had started to flow from when I didn't know.

Kunj's POV ends!


Author's POV:

A pure Love Triangle! Whom you think are going to end up together? Twinkle- Yuvraj or Twinkle-Kunj! Not every third angle of a love triangle is Villain! Some love is always True! Wanna know what happens next than stay tuned!



Sidhant Gupta as Kunj Sarna

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Sidhant Gupta as Kunj Sarna.

Sidhant Gupta as Kunj Sarna

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Zain Imam as Yuvraj Luthra.

Zain Imam as Yuvraj Luthra

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Jasmin Bhasin As Twinkle.

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