r u l e s
please read this whole chapter, even for my old readers and people who have requested before.
1 | be nice and have patience.
2 | use the graphic for a week.
3 | after one week of your uploaded delivery with no messages or claiming, i will delete your link and your cover.
4 | do not request a cover here if you have requested at another shop.
5 | i can edit your delivery, as long as the changes aren't that big.
6 | do not undo the payment. if i catch you do this, your request will automatically be denied when you ask for a graphic from me again. i see when people undo the payments, and i don't forget names. i will put you on the blacklist -- people who aren't allowed to request ever again.
7 | do not steal my graphics.
8 | you may request from me multiple times.
9 | if you didn't like what i made, tell me and it will become a premade.
10 | i have the right to deny your request/s. if ever i decline, chances are;
♡ you didn't follow something in the rules.
♡ your ideas are unclear.
♡ i find your request too hard to make. it could be too specific or too vague.
♡ i don't have inspiration and some other designer can do your graphic better.
♡ you undid the payment.
♡ the shop is closed.11 | do not privately message me for requests.
12 | do not change or edit your delivery when i give it to you. don't crop or put filters on it, etc.
13 | you can get a fastpass. this is an optional feature that enables you to get your request/s in one to three days, no matter how many graphics you've requested. this has additional payment.
do not request if the shop is closed.
__________ ♡ __________
p a y m e n t
[ payment is to be completed within a week ]
♡ the payment will vary on; the type of graphic you requested and how easy/difficult it was to make.
♡ i will tell you your payment on the day i upload your graphic/s.
♡ the one required payment is a permanent follow. you should complete this as soon as i accept your delivery/ies, and complete the remaining payments as soon as i upload your request/s.
__________ ♡ ___________
one last thing: if you have no intention of following the rules or payments, don't request for a graphic. if you suddenly complain about any of the guidelines stipulated above after i accept, i will ignore your request. i warned you, and i don't want any problems. i'm genuinely nice to everyone, but don't. try. me.
to make sure you read this whole chapter, comment your favorite song on the 'have you read the rules?' part of the form (located in the next chapter). do not comment yes, because i will ignore/deny your request. this changes from time to time, so watch out for it.
graphic shoppe [ CLOSED ]
Random"normality is a paved road. it's comfortable to walk on but no flowers grow on it." - van gogh [ ] open [ ] closed [ ] closed for catch up [ ♡ ] under renovation to serve you better (also closed) come in come in, and have a lo...