Chapter 6: Arrival

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  Another Chapter up. I won't spoil much here. Let's just say it'll be interesting enough :D



   Back inside the carriage, Rianndra was awakened by the sounds of festive trumpets and drum beats. The sounds of the lute filled the air with such upbeat songs. She drowsily peeked out her window to see a town celebrating her arrival.

     The princess nudged Robert repeatedly until he woke up from deep slumber. “Robert! Look! Look! Outside is such festive gathering. Could this be Dusktown? People tell me it’s such a horrid place!”

     Even old Robert was amazed. The smiles and merry tunes suggested the rumors were false. Outside, the knights, Roan and Bison are being meticulously observant. Weary and suspicious, they were—Always expecting the worse.

     Atop a roof, a smoke from the chimneys obscured an observant prying on the visitors’ every move. Damian, masked as Fayde, stalked the carriage.


     The folks from Mo’run Solaris had reached their destinations—the town hall. Princess Rianndra, accompanied by some of her guards, Robert, Roan and Bison entered the stone building in the middle of the town. Inside, the gray walls were draped with festive red colors. Mayor Mirthus Oliver waited on his office.  His blonde-turning-gray hair was slicked back and below his lips was a puffy moustache of the same color. The old mayor observed his townspeople from his window, his old hands adorned with a golden ring shook out of nervousness.

     The wooden doors from his old office opened from outside. Mrithus turned around to see the royal visitors. With open arms and a warm smile, he approached the princess.

     “Princess Rianndra Malion, Daughter of high king Hiroden Malion! An honor it is to bless our town with your presence.” said Mirthus. The old man kneeled as he kissed Rianndra’s hand.  The mayor got up and bowed courteously at his other guests.

    With a smile on her face, the princess replied “I am certainly glad to be here. The people of your town seems very jolly, is there an occasion?”

     “Why yes, your highness! Royalty visiting our little old town is enough reason for us to celebrate!”

     With eager and jolly words, Mirthus and Rianndra conversed. By the doors were Roan and Bison, still distrusting the happy atmosphere. Roan glanced over the room, observing every detail with a stony face just like his master. When suddenly…

     “Milord!” A deep voice cried from outside the room.

     Slowly, Roan faced the direction where the voice came from. His eyes widened with surprise as he saw a green-skinned Orc suited for battle and axe in hand approach from the corridors.

     Roan juked back and unsheathed his blade. As his fellow capital knights witnessed the mage-knight’s actions, they followed—all but Bison. The lord Knight remained neutral, his arms crossed between his chest, observing the commotion.

     “Outlander!” cried Roan. His gaze fierce and protective. “How dare you desecrate these halls with your accursed presence?”

    The Orc was none other than Toralf. He grunted and sneered at the young knight yet did not take another step forward. Even though the Orc towered most men, they are greater in number.  A firm grip he had on his axe—it made the visitors uncomfortable.

    Toralf glanced over the room. For a second, his eyes met with Rianndra. The Orc turned towards the mayor. “Lord Mirthus, I came by to report that the guards have taken their posts around the square.” the Orc spoke calmly.

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