❀ - piggy

74 9 6

victuuri one shot
5,338 words
viewer discretion is advised
!!trigger warning!!


i eventually rose up from bed, to see victor had already woken up. i rubbed my eyes while walking to the door, to exit the room and go to the living room to greet victor.

once i got to the living room, i was instantly greeted by victor, just like i expected.

"good morning my little piggy!"

i stopped and looked down to my body. i could notice a small gut poking out. i did my best to wrap my arms around my stomach so it wouldn't be as noticeable.

"p-pig?" i questioned, nervously.

"aw, yuri don't worry about it! you've just gained a little weight, but that's no problem because i'll help you get back in shape again!" victor said smiling at me.


thinking about it, victor always helps me. i don't want to have to bother him with my weight. i should do it by myself for once that way victor doesn't have to waste his time on me.

"thinking about it, it's alright victor. i'll do it myself." i said, clutching my stomach in worry.

victor turned to me, quite in shock. "yuri, are you sure?"

"yeah. thank you anyway victor." i said, turning my head and walking back into our room.

"y-yuri?" victor said i was walked away.

i just ignored it, and continued walking.

eventually when i reached the room, i noticed makkachin was laying on the bed, wagging her tail right when i entered her sight.

i lightly smiled, and went to the bathroom, where the weight scale was. i took a deep breath before stepping on it.

once i stepped on it, i wasn't surprised to see what my weight was. 176 pounds.

seven pounds overweight.

i keep standing at the scale, staring at that number. i could feel slight tears in my eyes.

everyone is right about me being a pig. food is just the only thing i can of when i'm stressed. i just.

as i felt the tears fall down my face, i heard a slight whining noise.

i looked to my side to see makkachin standing right beside me, whining as i began crying.

i placed my hand on her head, running my fingers through her fur.

"it's okay, girl. i just need to lose from weight." i said finally stepping off the scale.

losing weight should be easy. all i need to do is exercise and not eat. easy.

 ecstasy ❥ yuri!!! on iceWhere stories live. Discover now