Grow up

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"HARRY!" You yelled down the stairs of your shared flat. You held his dirty clothes in his hands, and stomped into the living room.

"Yeah, love?" He replied, not taking his eyes off of his stupid video game. God forbid he doesn’t play Fifa.

"Is it to much to ask that you fucking pick up after yourself!" You shouted, throwing the clothes at him. 

"Hey! You made me lose the ball!" He yelled pausing the game. You rolled your eyes. It’s not even worth it anymore. He doesn’t listen to you anyways, so why waste your breath. 

You stormed into the kitchen, noticing the pile of dirty dishes. You asked Harry to do them 3 hours ago! I swear he could live in filth. 

"GOD DAMMIT HARRY!" You made your way back into the living room and stood in front of the T.V..

"You don’t make a very good window (Y/N)." Harry said trying to see around you.

"I’m tired of you not picking up after yourself, Harry." You told him, hoping he would pause the game to talk to you. He didn’t. He completely acted as if you weren’t there even though you were standing right in front of him.

"THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!" You yelled. You walked up to him and snatched the controller out of his hand.

"What the fuck!? Give it back!" He demanded. Looking at him threw narrowed eyes, you threw the controller across the room hopefully breaking it.


"YOU’RE MY FUCKING PROBLEM HARRY! I asked you to do those damn dishes 3 hours ago, and guess what? THEY STILL AREN’T DONE! Your fucking clothes are every where in our room. Do you not know what a fucking closet is, Harry? You have empty bottles  and cans all around the living room that could fill up 20 fucking garbage bags!! Are you not even disturbed or disgusted by all of this? Oh wait, no you’re not because all you do is sit around on that couch, and play FIFA. To be honest Harry I’m done. I’m not picking up after you anymore. I’m not your maid, I’m your girlfriend, and until you decide to grow the fuck up and act your age a little, we’re done." I ranted. His eyes widened at my last sentence. That got his attention.

"Wait what? What do you mean we’re done?" He asked getting up and walking over to you. 

"Me and you. It’s over. Done. We are no longer together. I’m not going to be treated like I’m your maid Harry." With that you stormed up to your room, grabbing the suitcase that’s in your closet. When you walked back into your room, Harry was standing in the doorway.

"You can’t leave me (Y/N)." He breathed looking at you. 

"Watch me." You seethed, going into your closet and grabbing a handful of clothes. 

"Please don’t do this." He walked into the room, his hands in his pockets. His eyes were watery, but he wasn’t crying. "I can change. I will change." He told you. You didn’t bother to respond as you went to your closet to grab more clothes. 

After your 3rd trip to your closet, Harry started unpacking your clothes. Mumbling under his breath how you weren’t leaving him, that you were just made and you guys would get through this.

"Harry stop." You demanded pushing him away. 

"You can’t leave me!" He yelled all of a sudden, making you jump back in shock. He looked up at you as the first tear fell. "I need you dammit! I’m sorry I didn’t do the dishes when you asked. I’m sorry I didn’t pick up my clothes off of the floor. I’m sorry I left the living room a mess. I’m sorry I don’t pay enough attention to you. I’m sorry for being a terrible boyfriend, but you can’t leave me, (Y/N), I love you." He walked up to you embracing you in a hug. He nuzzled his head in your neck. You could feel his tears as they fell onto your shoulder. That’s when you broke. You let your tears fall, and hugged him back. 

"I’ll clean it all up, (Y/N). I will. I will do it right now if you want me too. I will do anything. Just don’t leave me. Please." He cried into your shoulder. He took a deep breath before pulling away from him. Any hope that was in his eyes disappeared as you made your way over to your suitcase.

"(Y/N)… Please!" He begged. 

"I’m not fucking leaving you, Harry." You snapped, taking all of your clothes that were previously packed, and putting them back to where they belong.

"Your not?" He asked in disbelief.

"No." I breathed, looking at him. "But I’m still fucking mad at you, and if you don’t start treating me like I’m your girlfriend, and start picking up after yourself, consider me gone." I told him looking him dead in the eye. He nodded rushing up to give you kiss, but you put your hand up.


"Go clean. I’m still mad at you" You told him

And that’s exactly what he did. Within two hours your house was completely spotless. You and Harry laid in bed with each other cuddling, him doing whatever it took to make you laugh.

It was moments like this that you enjoyed the most. It was moments like this that made you glad he fought for you. 

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