Tea And a Scone or Two

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                                         ~ Calypso's POV ~

          Oh look. Chocolate chip scones. This ought to annoy Ace... And tea. Yup. Eh, I normally eat chocolate chip scones and tea. I'll eat anything with chocolate chip anything. I put it in the cart and went over to the fruit section. I got apples, bananas, and oranges. I went over to the vegetable section and got avocados, carrots, and that's pretty much it. I also remembered shrimp, pasta(that's always in my place), and cereal. Then, I went over to pay.

         I finally got back to the lobby and got the keys for my new roommates. I got upstairs and I can't open the door, because of the groceries. I knocked on the door and Ace opened it for me, taking a bag from me. I walked over to the counter and set the bag of groceries and keys on the table. I looked over at the others who were watching TV. "Who wants they're keys?" I said, shaking the keys. Then the rest of them came over to receive their keys. I looked at one of the keys on Nathan's keychain. "What's this one for?" I asked him, out of curiosity. "I'll show you next week! Its a surprise!" He said, excitedly. I nodded and started to take out the groceries, as well as Ace.

        Ace found the scones. And the tea. "Your trying to annoy me, aren't you?" He asked me. "Nope! I always have some breakfast food with chocolate chips. They didn't have the chocolate chip !muffins like a usually get." I explained. "Ok. What about the tea?" He asked. "I got breakfast tea and iced tea bags. As well as sinus tea." I told him. "Ok. Nice. You weren't trying to annoy me. Thanks." He said, smiling. "Ooh I ship iiit!" Tristan said. "Ship what?" I asked him. "You and Ace." He replied. "Why? He just smiled at me." I said. "I'm still gonna ship it." He said. "Aight den." I replied.

        "Woah!" Hunter whisper shouted, him going to my concert stack. "You see something you like?" I asked him. "Why didn't you say you had an MCR concert?!" He said, excitedly. "That's actually two concerts and a CD!" I told him. (Authors note:👇)

"That's so cooool!" Hunter said

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"That's so cooool!" Hunter said. "Hunter has a huge MCR obsession. Like I have a huge Slipknot obsession." Ace told me. I laughed. "I have a ton of concerts." I said. "What band do you have the most concerts of?" Nathaniel asked me. "Probably KoRn." I answered. Nathaniel nodded.

       I could already see Ace getting into the scones. "Hey! Brit boy!" I said, making him jump. "You just had breakfast! Wait until tomorrow." I told him. "Just one? Please?" He begged, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Oh... ok. But just one!" I told him. He happily grabbed one and came and sat next to me on the couch, eating his scone.


Come up with a ship name for Ace and Calypso! Winner gets a shout out and it will be used in the book!

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