Tristan finally came back with the coffee and everyone had breakfast. Calypso had gone back into her room. Then Tristan started texting me.
T= Tristan A= Ace
T: have you confessed to Calypso yet?
A: no. Why you asking?
T: this might be a good time, her having a boyfriend, someone to cuddle with her. You know, rub her tummy.
A: maybe. Next time she's upset I'll say something.
T: yes! Cace is a sure cannon!
A: whatever. Why are you texting me when I'm right next to you?
T: so she wouldn't hear us. It'll ruin the surprise.
A: alrighty then.
T: are you doing that because its a Ace Ventura quote, and your name is Ace?
A: yes, and because he is my spirit animal and alter ego.
T: you think Calypso is gonna like that?
A: shut up El Señor Tristano.
T: love you too.
A: bruh my hearts set on Calypso.
T: 😑😑😑
I put up my phone. I think I was the only one who heard it, but I heard extremely faint crying coming from Calypso's room. I went to her room. She was in fact crying. I walked to her bed and sat in front of her. I stroked her forehead. "Darling... What's wrong?" I asked her. She kept silent. "I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong." I told her. I got up and shut the door, then came back and sat in front of her.
"What's wrong?" I asked her again. "Its an embarrassing th-thing t-to cry about." She told me, stuttering on a couple words. "You can tell me. I won't tell anyone." I told her, stroking her forehead again. "You p-promise?" She asked. "I promise." I said. "I've been single for too long." She stated. She was the same age as me. 20.
"How long have you been single?" I asked her. "All my l-life." She told me. "What do you look for in a guy?" I asked her. She was silent. "Calypsoooo... I can't set you up with someone if you don't tell me what your interested in." I told her. "You might not like what I look for..." She told me. "That's ok. Just tell me darling." I said. She took a deep breath. "Its you." She said.
I was shocked. "What?" I asked. "You don't like me back don't you..." She said, starting to get upset again. "No no. I never said that Darling." I told her. "I've actually had a crush on you for a little while now. That's why Tristan keeps shipping us. When I first say your picture on the roommates wanted note on the bulletin board, and when I got to talk to and all the stuff we have in common, I fell in love instantly. Your are just perfect to me." I said, looking her straight in the eyes. "I didn't know the true feeling of love until I met you." She told me, smiling.
"Come here. Come closer." I said. She came close enough that her face was just inches away. I pulled her gently even closer, and I kissed her passionately. After a few minutes we pulled apart. Her eyes were so wide eyed, and so beautiful. "Will you be milady?" I asked her. She giggled. "Of course!" She replied.
I had to. I just had to.
There ya go. 😁😁😁

5 Idiots - Book #1: Life Begins With Coffee (Or Sweet Tea)
ComédieWhen Calypso starts looking for roommates, she stumbles on 4 men her age in need of a home. Little does she know what will happen...