Chapter 2- |Jamie|

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I lean against the wall outside as I wait for Jamie,I wonder why he would help me I mean he's just met me and it's his first day here? So he must be the boy the girls was talking about I must me they was right he's freaking hot! And here's me looking look trash. God if my 'mom' saw me like this god knows what she would do. "Ah mérda!..cazzo" I curse worrying about what I'm going to do.

" What's wrong?" I'm startled by his deep voice and also shocked he know what I said which was shit and fuck.

"Wha-" I'm about question him how he knows but he answers before I finish " My family is Italian and we moved here recently but English is also my main language" he shrugs before continuing "anyway enough about me let's get you to the pharmacy since it would be too difficult to get an appointment already so we will get advice and then take you home" I instantly panic I can't go home not looking like this anyway. "I can't-" my voice begins to crack " I can't go home. Not looking like this" his face shows confusion but then changes almost if he understands why.

"That's alright if you wanted to come to mine you could of just said bella" he smirks and my cheeks instantly flame up he called me beautiful.

"Woah no it's not like that. Cazzo" my words come out so fast I didn't even think.

"Hey don't worry I'm joking I know,come we need to get going" he smirks and places his arm around me guiding me making sure i don't fall.

"I'm sorry,this is your first day and you have skipped" I say quietly but loud enough so he can hear it.

" don't worry about it bella, and besides I was probably going to ditch anyway" my cheeks immediately heat up and are probably tinted pink and I try not to blush but come on when you have a sexy Greek god calling you beautiful something is bound to happen.
" well thank you anyway I appreciate it and thanks for not questioning" I mutter.

We walk up to his Audi R8 and my jaw drops dam,who knew the new boy had such good taste. I open the door as he goes to his, and man do I feel like crap I lean against the window, whilst the god next to me starts the car but no lie is he looks like a freaking Greek god. And don't forget here's me looking like a drowning rat good times good times. I sigh loudly my mind working overtime thinking about everything. We eventually arrive at the pharmacy and Jamie rushes to open the door like the so called gentleman he is. I'm instantly heart warmed by this and feel butterflies tingle throughout my body. I push myself up with my strength that I have left but the Greek god holds his hand out and I reach to grab hold of it and feel electricity from his touch. We walk in and Jamie holds a firm grip on me...

Jamie's POV
I tighten my grip around Ariana as I see the male pharmacist who looks roughly I assume three or four years older checking her out with a lustful gaze on her licking his lips  and I immediately scowl.

"Were here to pick up a prescription the school nurse rang" I see Ariana flinches at my tone towards the dick that calls himself a pharmacist. He quickly runs back and gets the medication holding a big bag he hands her the big bag and gives her the instructions on how and when to take them. I take hold of her petite hand and lead her out and open the door for her,but I'm not finished yet my anger has slow risen.

"Stay here I need to get something I've forgot" I makeup on the spot she nods however I see the curiosity in her eyes. I turn around full raging now how dare he look at her like that. Shit. Did I fail to mention I have anger problems and some other shit? Welll surpriseeeee

"Oi you prick" I point to him and grab the fucker by the collar.

" look at her like she's a piece of meat again,and I'll break your face and then I'll continue. Now let's be honest you don't really need your pinkie and we will continue with the rest. She's mine. I don't share. So fuck off before you suddenly 'disappear' cunt! Stupid bastardo" I shove him back. And walk out hearing the slam of the door whoops maybe need to replace the glass.

I open my car door and drive and speed up and keep going. "Stop! Stop it please,fuck" Ariana screams. My anger is boiling, people treating women like they are nothing angers me to the core. The way my Papa raised me was to treat women like they are goddesses. Not fucking trash. Not to look down on them!

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