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Your hidden flaws,
Reveal the beauty beneath those lies.

The effulgence of your eyes,
Calms down my ragging pride.

The waviness in your words,
And the serenity of your sight,
Gives my soul, ray of illuminating hopes.

The slightest of your touch makes me feel alive,
Gives me the endurance to live my life.

The deadliest of your scars, feels so pure.
When I fumble with the door which opens to your soul,
The Depth of my sins feels divine,
Even by an overlook of your devious eyes.

There's a pile of amour within,
Which is sorely disguised.

Inhaling your name in my every breath,
I exhale my agony in the every next.

Overwhelming desires to feel your every beating heart again,
I search for you every now and then.

I want one more chance to express my love,
Will never expect it in return.

Me Myself and SHEWhere stories live. Discover now