six; reversed roles

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The air smelled like bread. Bread. He was mad that that was all he could think of as he entered the house of his former childhood friend. But even though the grainy smell of wheat was he first thing he thought of, he knew it wouldn't be the last.

It was nothing less of awkward. As Red and him walked behind Mrs. Green up the stairs and towards Blue's room, there was nothing but silence. The creaking floors just added to the awkwardness of the situation and Green couldn't help but get tired of the fact that everyone was just ignoring the main problem here.

Blue had disappeared.

They acted like it didn't even happen. And as Green's hands rested in his saggy jeans, he knew that they were sweating beyond control. He couldn't let them see it.

As they finally neared the entrance to Blue's room Mrs. Green creaked open the door. She held her hand out gesturing for them to walk in and she followed behind.

She shut the door behind her then began talking.

"Okay, so as she can see I have called you here for a very important reason..." Green and Red both drew their eyes away from their surroundings to focus on her.

"I need you to help me looks for clues!"

That was a shocker. Usually any normal person would have gone to Officer Jenny or even Detective Looker in a situation like this, not two childhood friends of the victim who had slowly been growing apart.

Green cocked an eyebrow up in judgement and Red just nodded​ his head in acceptance.

"You're probably thinking that it seems very unusual for me to go to you on this situation, but promise me, I have much faith in you."

Wow, way to put the pressure on us lady.

"I must travel to Veridian City in order to alert the police, since phone signals not exactly the best. But while I'm gone I figured why waste time when I have two perfectly good mini detectives to do the work."  She laughs at her not-so-funny joke. Green puts on a forced smile.

Remember, Green she's suffering.

She shuts the door, leaving them alone in her room.

"Well we better start looking," Red says clapping his hands together and scanning down the nightstand right next to her bed. Green just cocks an eyebrow and gives him a weird look.

"You're actually taking this serious?" Green mutters putting his feet up on the frame of the bed as her crashes.

"I know you're putting on act.."

That caught his attention? His eyes become wide and then devilish smirked her wore proudly had been wiped off.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He wasn't going to give up yet. He had to keep up his act as long as possible. He knew his reputation as the "cool and collected guy" would he wiped if this ever came up.

"I know you're actually just as depressed as everyone else about this, just hiding behind a mask of what seems like reassurance, to the point where you're breaking inside thing to keep it on."

What the hell was that. Why did it seem like Red had become some poet in his wording to the point where Green was struggling to understand. But most importantly, how did he figure this out.

He was mad.

"I know that you're just mad because you secretly​ had feelings for Blue that you tried to hide, but now that she's gone and the fact that you're struggling to hide it, it's clear. You are broken inside."

He broke the wall.

The anger stored up inside of him had been too much to control to the point where his mind went blank and his actions took over.

That was a place he tried to keep away from, but that was where he went just now. His place of complete rage.

He loses control of his body and his fist slammed into the thin crumbling wall. Unfortunately, his powerful punch was too much as a huge hole in the wall was now visable. But he didn't even seem to care.

"Why can't you just keep your mouth shut. Why do you have to keep talking until you push me to my limits, and why don't you know when to shut the hell up!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. He couldn't cool down if he tried.

Red just sat back in the rocking chair on the corner off Blue's room shrugging his shoulders but still wearing a look of satisfaction on her face.

The roles were reversed. Instead of Green mocking and instigating causing Red to go mad. It was the other way around. Red had instigated in order for Green to lose his cool, and he didn't seem the slightest bit phased about it.

As Green finally calms down and realizes what he had done, instead of mad he just becomes curious.

"How did you know?"

Somehow Red seemed to know exactly what he was talking about.

"Well you see, I always knew you liked her even as a kid. It was pretty obvious. Yet you still kept a cool demeanor. But then when she went missing, you were a complete wreck from the inside and that demeanor that you hid behind was no longer working and no longer were you a wreck from the inside, but from the outside too."

Green mentally face palmed. How had he let himself seem so vulnerable.

"Where did you learn to speak this way?" Green asks pretty much empty on the inside. Not only had he just been called out all of a sudden with no way to defend himself, but he had been mentally switched with Red to where he was the mockable dweeb.

This wasn't right.

"Well you see, I just have a way with words." He says nonchalantly but little did Green know, Red's heart was beating faster than ever before and newfound pride was a part of him.

"Wait, hold on one second," Green's small pity party was shortly interrupted by a discovery.

There was something falling out of the hole in the wall that Green had punched, and not only was it a book written by the one and only gone girl herself, but it was titled 'Blue's book to run away.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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