three; at three a.m.

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"Wake up," The fuzziness of the voice made it hard to identify who was shaking him. He barely opened his eyelids to revel a fuzzy sight with a only a glimmer of light peaking out through his eyelids.

Next think he felt was the stinging sensation of cold soft flesh meeting with his in a not-so-friendly way. His eyes widened as he shot up nearly hitting  his head on his bed frame.

"Dude, what the hell?!" His screeches as he presses his cold hand to his cheek as it tingles. His vision finally cleared up as he looks up from his haven in the sheets to see a pair of red eyes glancing down at him.

"You wouldn't wake up!" The young boy's rival shrugs as he holds his hands up to his neck and nonchalantly walks out the room as if he didn't just slap the life out of Green.

"Red, Wait!" Green cries reaching out his hand towards the door. "What were you doing in my room and why did you have to wake me up?" Green questions with his hand still pressed to his bruised cheek.

× × ×

"What do you mean she's gone?" Green asks as he sits next to Red on the sofa facing his grandfather accompanied with the parents of both the Fire's and the Green's.

"I mean I went to go wake her up because I thought she slept in and she had work and-" Mrs. Green begins to blabber until the peak in which her word are not able to be understood. She is quickly cut off by the silencing hand of her husband raised infront of her face.

"Basically when we went to go wake her up this morning she wasn't there and we checked around Pallet and even called her work and they said she hasn't arrived yet." He leans back in the chair. He seemed much calmer than his frantic wife who seemed to be shaking if Green could focus enough.

"Luckily, the security camera picked up some movement during the night of the door being opened then closed again, but it's no use without a witness." Mr. Green shrugs still keeping his cool demeanor.

"They just want to know if either of you saw anything last night?" The professor asks crossing his hands over his chest sternly. Green uneasily looks at Red but he same feeling is not reciprocated.

"No," Red calmly answers. This made the choice of Green's answer even harder. He didn't remember much about last night since he was still pretty groggy, but he did remember the vague shadow he saw creeping up aside the Green's house at around two a.m.


Green spits it out. He didn't see anything last night. It must have been a dream. He's content on convincing himself that it was just a dream. That nothing happened at all and it was because of his pills that he was having such personal dreams.

"Oh well that's unfortunate. Well, I guess I couldn't expect you boys to be up at three a.m."

And that's when his eyes widened.


"What the hell Green! Why'd you drag me out of there so fast. Your grandpa was about to offer me tea." Red pouts as Green finally let's go of his wrist after he dragged him to the fields for some privacy.

"Red, there's something I need to tell you!" Green crouched over breathing heavily as he finally took a break from the log run he just finished.

"Listen, if you're gay or anything I won't ju-" Red states lifting both hands in the air in a "surrender​" motion.

"I'm not gay!" Green exclaims clearly aggravaged. "I just need you to listen to me." He finally calms down as he begins to explain the reasons for his outbreak.

"I think I saw Blue leaving last night," He whispers anxiously even though there's not a soul in sight. Red's eyes widened.

"You what?!" Red exclaims backing away.

"I know, I know. I got up to get water around three a.m. and I saw a shadow outside of Blue's house and then Gramps just said something about three a.m. and I knew the shadow was probably hers." Green breathe heavily as he doesn't stop speaking until he's finished leaving him breathless.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Hold up!" Red says at his rapid voice. He looks a little shocked at this for it had been so sudden and unexpected.

"You did the right thing by telling them you'd saw nothing because if it wasn't accurate evidence them it's no use. Also don't worry about it," His voice quickly changes from the stern scared tone to a lighter more casual tone. "It's Blue, she'll turn up eventually." He reassures him patting him on the back as he begins to walk back his house.

  "Yeah, it's Blue, she'll turn up eventually," Green reassures himself feeling the tiniest bit of relief that maybe she come back.

But all he could do from this point on was hope.

Sorry this was mainly a filler chapter.

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