Chapter 1: Betrayal

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P.O.V: May

As I walked solemely down my street in the rain I thought about my lonesome day.

People say it's hard being the new girl, at least that's what movies make it seem like. That's a lie. New kids always become popular super quick, at least in my high school they do.
The thing that's actually hard is not being the new kid. When you're not the new kid everyone knows your history, your back story, and all of the phases you went through- that is if they even paid attention to you. When you're the new kid -in high school especially- no one knows who you were or what you were like. You can shed who you used to be and become a whole new person if you wanted to. I wish I was the new kid.

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I walked these hallways like a ghost. Everyone all around me is either in conversations or being dicks by shoving their way through everyone without a care in the world who their hurting. And then there's the jackasses who walk 2 inches per second. I might as well be a ghost when noone even awknologies my existence. Especially dick number one who just shoved me into Parker Nolez yesterday- which in fact was extremely embarrassing.

Parker Nolez: only the most idiotic kid I ever met. Every time I pass him he makes sex noises, and when I knocked into him yesterday he screamed "harder!" I'm pretty sure my cheeks were as red as his ears when the principle dragged them all the way to her office.

After that, I walked into class having to explain to like 5 popular guys what happened with Parker, which made me happy because they were actually taking to me. Sadness struck my face when they were no longer interested in the conversation after they got the full story.

When the bell rang I quickly looked for a seat because my usually one was taken by Adele Kowar.

Adele Kowar: only one of the most beautiful girls in my school. But with beauty comes pain, except the pain isn't on her it's on me. Since she knows her looks are perfect she uses it as an excuse to be a fricken bitch. She's always hated me and I have no idea why. We used to be close friends in first and second grade, but everyone knows those friend ships usually don't stick.

Anyway, she gives me dirty looks, screams "what!" At me if I even glance at her for 1 second, and she blocked me on instagram and snapchat for no reason. And now she sat in a seat she knows is mine! And I really like that seat because where it is, is a perfect angle to where I can stare at my 4 year crush: Cameron Gold, but I'll talk about him another time. Anyway, it's not like I can say anything about her taking my seat otherwise she'll make a huge deal out of it, make me the bad guy, and like 99 percent of the school will take her side- believe me I seen it happen to someone. That one percent that will take my side is my best friends Chloe, Amanda and I guess Zoey.

Chloe: Tall with black hair, hazel eyes, and a couple of freckles. She's really pretty and is good at lacross, which makes me suprised why she isn't popular because every lax girl is; It's probably because she's stuck with me. She's really chill and has so much to gossip about, but ever since last year in eighth grade she's been a little more distant and bitchy, which I'm not sure about.

Amanda: dark blonde hair with tan skin and dark brown eyes. She's also very pretty but she doesn't really take care of her body so her hair is always messy and she's kind of chubby. She's also extremely kind and funny and is always there for me, except she's kinda quiet and out of it a lot of the time. I try to get her to tell me what's wrong, but it's always "nothing".

Zoey: A new member of our group every since the third day of school when she arrived as the new kid. I'm still trying to figure her out though. She has golden blond hair, fair skin, and green eyes. She's very out going and Chloe and Amanda find her hilarious, but there's just something about her I don't like, and I think she knows it too because she doesn't seem so fond of me either.

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After the last period of the day I walked down the halls ready to meet Amanda and Chloe at the door as we've been doing for a month now. It's our thing. We even promised eachother we would meet there every day. Zoey comes sometimes.

When I was approaching our spot from behind Jake Crowin's huge head I was trying to spot Amanda and Chloe. As I got there there was noone so I waited for them to come. It was weird because I'm usually never there first, so I waited. And then I waited some more.

What felt like 20 minutes was actually 20 minutes. I didn't know why I stayed so long, I just wanted to see them actually show up so I'd know they didn't blow me off. And it turns out I was wrong to stay. My stupid choices left me missing the bus, which then got my phone taken away because I was supposed to be watching my little brother right after school.

If anyone else was in this position I bet they would think "something must've turned up". I thought that too until when I was walking home in the rain until bus b, (Zoey's bus), was showing three girls laughing in the window. And guess who they were: Zoey, Chloe, and Amanda. I bet you would've never guessed. I know I wouldn't of.
My tears rolled down my cheeks but they were masked by the rain drops. My best friends, only friend, ditched me and are hanging out with me. And the thing is there's noone left to take my side.

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