*Part 1*

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Kai: So Hair Guru what are you doing to my hair this time.

Micah: It's Hair Goddess!

Kai: Whatever Bitch! Just don't have my hair looking like What The Fuck.

Amber: Will Y'all Both Shut The Fuck Up Damn! I just put Talia to sleep.

Micah and Kai: Will Excuse Me!

*Talia Crying*

Amber: When I get back I'm fucking both of y'all up. *Leaves The Room*

Kai: Sorry Amber!

Micah: No fuck a sorry I'm not scared of her.

Kai: Tell her that when she get back then.

Micah: Hell No! She got man hand.

Kai: Technically you do too.

Micah: Shut Up! Nobody asked you for your opinion.

Kai: It wasn't an opinion it was a fact.

*Amber returns with Talia*

Kai: Give Her To Me!

*Hands Her The Baby*

Kai: She Is So Beautiful Amber.

Micah: Yeah she is.

Amber: I can't believe I just popped her out.

*Hands Talia Back To Amber*

Kai: Well I have to go.

Amber and Micah: Where You Going?

Kai: I'm going on a date with my man.

Micah: But I thought that was at 8:00

Kai: Yeah, But I still have to get ready and go shopping.

Amber: Ok bye and call me tomorrow.

Micah: Bye.

Kai: Bye Bitches

Later That Day

I pulled up to my luxuries condo that my baby bought me; I swear he spoils me. I knew he was here waiting for me because I seen his car sitting in front. I grabbed my keys out of my purse when the door opened and there he stood looking delicious.

Kai: Hey babe *Kisses Him*

August: Hey where were you, you was suppose to be here a hour ago.

Kai: I went to go get my hair done and go shopping for our date.

August: Oh about the date...

Kai: Don't Tell Me Your Cancelling Again!

August: Don't think of it as cancelling think of it as rescheduling.

Kai: Cut The Bull Shit August! You Always Do This To Me!

August: Come on stop being a brat. Listen you know I want to go on a date it's just that I got business to take care of. You know what you was getting into when you started dating me.

*She Starts Walking Upstairs*

August: Why You Always Do That When Shit Don't Go Your Way!

Kai: Because You Promised Me!

August: And I Will Make It Up To You I Swear!

Kai: That's What You Always Say!

August: Come on stop being like that  *He Grabs Her Arm*

Kai: I'm not being like anything

August: Come on you know you can't stay mad at me *Kisses Her Neck*

Kai: You think you slick.

August: Is It working

Kai: I'm not mad...

August: See I...

Kai: I'm Pissed *Walks Away*

August: *Laughs* Don't Be Like That!

Kai: Whatever

*He Grabs His Keys*

August: I'll Be Back Kai!

Kai: Bye *Dryly*

*He Shakes His Head And Walks Out The Door*

I took a long candle lit bubble bath after Aug Left. I swear he does this to me all the time. I know that he has to do the music career and take care of that, sometimes I'm tired of being the second choice, but at the same time I can't be selfish and I think that's what's making us drift apart.

August POV

So after I left Kai place I went to the studio to lay this track down. Rick Ross already did his part on my new single Benediction all I have to do is the verse.

Producer: Alright I think we have it.

*He Walks Out Of The Booth*

August: Let me hear it.

*The Beat Drops*

Started off in the streets

We would take collection from the fiends

People dying all around me

So I gave you my testimony

August: Alright that sounds good I'm bought to go.

Producer: Ok I'm going to send you the link of the rest.

August: Ok

At Kai's Condo

She so beautiful when she sleep.

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