My Bestfriend Justin Bieber

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Megan's POV

Hi! I'm Megan, I'm 18 & my best friend is Justin! Yes, the Justin Bieber.😍💁
I have brown caramel eyes👀, naturally straight hair (black)💆. My girl best friend is Jasmine and Madison! Again, the Jasmine Villegas and Madison Beer.🎀💞
Friends: Justin, Jasmine, Madison, Caitlin, Christian, Alfredo, Ryan, Chaz, Za, Twist, etc.😘💖
I'm an only child, I have 2 amazing parents💕❤️
I'm in love with Justin😳😍... but he's dating Selena Gomez😭😒.. Either way, he might not like me back & it might ruin our amazing friendship💔...
All my best friends & family knows I love Justin as more than a bestfriend😶... We hate Selena she's rude,fake, etc🚫✖️. YES I mean WE, I hate her, the gang hates her, his family, my family, his crew, even Justin's Beliebers😌. Justin is just too blind to see it😔... One day we know he'll be broken just because of her💔. That's why we're here. To fix him :) Because that's what family is for. <3

Let me tell you guys about myself :) I like to sing, rap, dance (hip hop and break dance), I like to skateboard, I like to play volleyball and bascketball, I like to DJ, yea that's right. Etc. You might think about most of the things are for guys, well that's what I do best. And no i'm not tomboy or whatever😒✋. That's just who I am. I love to hang out with my friends and family, I'm very out going. Everyone I know lives in LA!! Ayeeee, LA bound! #turnt😎👏

Just to let you know i'm not perfect, nobody is except those fake barbie dolls might think they are✋. I'm talking about in general. I might make mistakes, yes people might hate me for them, but that's how I become stronger. I will learn from my mistakes I made in the past, and I know what to do and what not to do in the future. So don't judge me or whoever else. Because you know damn right you ain't perfect either.😌👌

So yea, this is me :) and I love who I am. I have the most amazing family and friends ever <3


Yo!!!! This is the first chapter to my first actual book on Wattpad :D I hoped you enjoyed it. Please, no hate because I usually suck at writing so I apologize I apologize!

This is copyright >>> © by @nessax203

Please don't steal :((





My Bestfriend Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now