GO Title

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So, when GAME OVER ends I will go over the true meaning of the title, but until then I can only lightly go over it.

First, I recognize that plenty of people sees the life of the GO characters as like a video game, and in a way it is. The roles Player, OP, etc all are inspired by minecraft mechanics, most of the stuff in GO is inspired by minecraft mechanics. Of course slightly modified to fit the story, but noetheless inspired.

So to say the characters lives are like a video game is true, but to say they see their lives as a video game is false.

Players don't see themselves as living life like a video game, even though they are called players. Same with OP's, to them, their life is very much their reality.

So the title GAME OVER isn't referring to the story as a video game, its is very different than that. It references concepts present in video games, but it isn't because the story is a video game. THe story isn't a video game at all, it is a reality that isn't our reality.

While I can't explain why GAME OVER is titled what it is yet (otherwise I would spoil shiz) I will when the book ends.

But I can tell you the title of the second book. 


Yep, that is the title of the second book.

Don't worry, we just made it about halfway through the book, or so. So we still have a bit to go before GO is complete

Also, take whatever this pst is as a hint or not, if you can even figure what I'm trying to say. This isn't really a hint at all, but if you want to try and figure out why the story is title GAME OVER go ahead. Or if you want to figure out why the second book is going to be called Level-Up go ahead.


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