Who's to Blame?

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     Pidge didn't know notice the cloud of aircrafts that were surrounding her. She was still close to the Zarkon's ship while the other paladins were far away. She was glad her lion couldn't be seen with the invisibility ability that came with the lion. Pidge reported.

"Hey guys there is a pretty good distance from between us do you think I'll make it time?"

     Lance with a confidence tone.

"Of course you got plenty of time just make sure you won't get spotted by any of the enemies."

     The aircrafts flew away in front of the Zarkon ship to attack the rest of the lions not knowing where the green lion was. 

     Keith flew next to Lance which was in front of Hunk as he held up Shiro. Shiro was still and no one heard anything from within the ship. They were pretty sure he passed out from his episode and didn't need to ask if he was there. 

"Lance that's a lot of ships are you sure Pidge will make it through in time for the portal."

     Pidge tried to hear what they were saying but it was all static and all she could hear Keith saying her name. She tried not to think of the worst. She thought maybe there were to many ships in front of her that it messed with the connection but another thought ran through her mind that maybe she was left behind because usually connection are static when they are getting father and father away. She ignored the idea and started to fly slowly into the clouds of aircrafts that started to began fire.

     Lance answered not even trying to connect to Pidge.


     Keith sighed.


     Hunk interrupted with a worry tone.

"Hey guys once you stop arguing can you cover me while the enemies shot at m-"

     The cloud of aircrafts began to come at a faster speed shooting left and right aiming for the lions. Keith was curing as Lance responded with a smart remark.

"It would of been nice if you gave us a warning Hunk."

     Hunk made a noise to show that what Lance said was sarcastically offensive. He just rolled his eyes as Keith and Lance used their combo moves to stop the aircrafts from coming. Hunk tried to contact with Pidge but it wasn't working.

"Hey guys are you sure she will make it we aren't able to see if she's close in range or anything and she isn't responding."

     Lance was a little worried but was 150% Pidge will make it. It Pidge after all she can and will do anything to live to see her brother and father again. Lance answered again.

"Come on Hunk. It's Pidge remember that time we went out to that party downtown and came back and all the doors were locked but she got us back in. She'll be here when Allura kicks up the portal."  

     When Lance finally finished talking to Hunk he dove to the right side to escape from a hard hit but didn't realize a few of the aircrafts were surrounding them. A aircraft came straight into Lance exploding on his Lion. Lance was thrown within his lion. Keith and Hunk heard his helmet bang against something hard in his lion in their radios. Keith started yelling for Lance as Keith was using his lava power and abilities to take out the rest of the aircrafts that were surrounding them.


     Keith yelled into his helmet needing to know if Lance was okay. Keith was getting upset by the second when Lance didn't answer. Then Hunk tried.

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