Chapter 2

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Cameron's P.O.V.

We all left Julia's room because she wanted to sleep, so the boys, and I went to Me, Nash, and Taylor's room. We all sat in silence on our phones, until Taylor broke the silence.

"Julia's a really good kisser" he says.

We all nod.

"I like really like her" butts in Carter.

"We all do" says Gillinsky

We all laugh.

"Why don't we make this challange" yells Nash.

"Excluding us" says Hayes, Johnson, JC, Shawn, Aaron.

The rest of us nod.

"The first one, that grows the balls to ask her out, AND actually keep her wins her, and all the boys have to give him 10$ each, because she dosn't seem easy to get". Explains Matt.

We all agree. We decide that we should give Shawn the money now, so we cant back out later. After we disscuss some stupid shit, we all head to bed. I tell Shawn to keep the money safe, and out of view from Julia. He nods and goes to bed. I lay down and plan the perfect way, before I slowly drift away to sleep.

Julia's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. Today was the first day of the meet and greet in Dallas. It starts at 11:00, and right now it was 9:30, so I got into the shower, blowdried my hair, curled it, and got in to my outfit.

Julia's outfit:

* Sunflower Printed Tank Top

* Light washed short shorts

* Black vans

* Black Beanie

* Silver Hoops

* Charm braclet

* Arrow neckalace

I got ready, and decided to go down to breakfast. I invited Shawn to go with me, and he accepted gladly. As we were walking down to the bottom floor, we spotted Nash, Taylor, and Cam walking toward Shawn with an angry look on their face. They smile at me, and then pull Shawn aside. He tells me to meet him at the table, and I gladly agree, and go to the breakfast table.

Shawn's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning and Julia asked if I wanted to go to breakfast so I agreed. I wanted to get to know her better, and become friends, since almost all of the other boys were using her for the bet. As we were walking to breakfast, I spot Nash, Taylor, and Cam. Cam grabs me by the arm and pulls me to the side, I wave Julia off, and she leaves. "What happend to 'I'm not going to play the bet' Shawn"? Cameron Yells. "I'm not playing the bet, she invited me, and I went with her, I'm.basically the only one not using her for the bet" I point out to him. "We're not using her" says Taylor. "Yes you are, since theirs money involved one of you might not like her but still try to get the 80$ that comes with it, and you guys would hurt her, and that's using her". There anger flash away for a quick second but comes back, "Well, we all like her, and wouldn't hurt her" Cameron adds, and Nash and Taylor nod their heads. I sigh. "Ok, but I'm still going to breakfast, I just want to be her friend, I'm not going to pull any moves on her". They nod. Also, maybe you guys should hve sent her a text or something for breakfast if you wanted to so badly". They sigh but nod again. I walk away and meet Julia at the table. "What did they want" she asks. "They um- said my mom called- and that my aunt-Caronline called and said she was um pregnant" I lie. I don't even have an aunt Caroline. "Well then, tell her Congrats" She says smiling after the minute of studing my face. For the rest of breakfast we talk about random Shit nobody even cares about, but we got a good laugh out of it. It was 10:30 so we head back, to practice/ get ready for the meet and greet. I go to a seperate room to memorize the lyrics to Story Of My Life by One Direction, and Cameron Dallas is my Boyfriend. Julia would be preforming on the second day of Magcon.

I get dressed in a Taylor Caniff T-shirt, and some jeans. I do my hair, grab my guitar and head out. When I open the door Matt's standing there. He says he's here to take Julia to the convention so I let him in. I leave before anyone, and practice.

Julia's P.O.V.

I was finishing up last minute editing before Magcon, when Matt comes in through the door. "Hello…" I say unsure of what to do. "Hey" he says sitting next to me on the bed. I close my laptop, and look at him with a questioning look. "I'm here to escort you to Magcon" he say with an english accent. I nod, and stand up. Our fingers intwine, and I look at the floor and blush. I like Matt, I really did, but I felt something off about all of the boys except Shawn, Hayes, JC, Jack J, and Aaron. I dont know why but somethings really off about them.

We finally make it there, and all of the boys look at me and Matt's intwinded hands, and get Jelous looks? Carter comes up to us and gives Matt a look, that could kill. Matt smirks. "So, are you guys a thing now"? Carter scoffs. Matt looks at me. "Umm no, he just took me here, that's it" I say back. My voice comes out too harsh, but I don't care. Even if I was dating Matt that shouldn't matter to them. I let go of Matt's hand, and go sit in the chair across from all of them. I decide to tweet:

@Juliascottt: Excited for the first day!

Bart comes in and announces that, we will be starting in 5 minutes. I check up on my make-up, using my phone camera.

The show starts, and the boys preform random , then it's Question time:

Cameron picks a tall, blonde chick in a red crop top, jumping up and down. Her name was Jeanine.

Jeanine~ "This question is for Julia"

Everybody's head turns to me. I nod to tell her to ask her question.

Jeanine~ "If you could date one of the boys, who would it be?"

When she asks everyones heads turn to ne, and I hear a couple of 'Ooh's'.

Julia~ "I would choose…"

I turn to look at the boys, and I knew my answer.

"I would choose…"

To Be Continued…

Hey guys! Who do you think she will choose? Comment below your predictions! Dont forget to vote, comment, and follow! Peace

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