>>Chapter 1<<

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This will be in the POV of A Vlog while also being in the POVS of people at the same time if that makes sense... idk...

Jakes POV

A few Months ago, me, Emilio, and Anthony had another "Who's the better kisser?" Contest featuring Tessa as the judge.

Recently we got a new member of team 10 named (Y/N). We are going have another Kissing contest later for views. Lol.


I pull out my vlog camera and begin to record "WOO! Good Morning Jake Paulers, what's poppin'? I hope you guys are having a great day. Do not forget to smile, do not forget to work hard, and do not forget to dab on them haters!"

I begin to walk out of my office with my camera still recording. "So what we have going on today is a pretty big deal for one part and the other part slightly less."

"First of all Id like to introduce to you, a new member of Team 10!!!"

I put the camera in front of (Y/N) and she starts grinning. "Hi!" She says. "Wanna introduce your self?" I ask.

"Yeah! Ok so I'm
(Y/N). The people from my channel already know that I was coming to Team 10 like a week ago and I'm sure you guys know who the Martinez Twins are?" "She grew up with them in Spain!" "Yeah! I just got here last night and the twins didn't know I was coming they just knew Team 10 was getting a new member." She says. "And what we did is we surprised them, ROLL THE CLIP!"

*Martinez Twins, Chance, Anthony, Kade, Erika, Tessa, Nick and the whole house are waiting at the entrance to see (Y/N). Everyone but the Martinez Twins know who it is.)

Jake: Yo, who do you think it is?
Emilio: How would we know? You haven't told us!
Ivan: And we're blind folded!
Jake: That's Fair.
*Car beep*
*Chance Whispers to Jake*
Chance: She's here. How do you think they're gonna react?
Jake: Yo, they've talked about her like ever since THEY got here. Especially Emilio..
Chance: How do you know? They speak in Spanish to each other all the time
Jake: I hear her name in the sentences and Ivan always addresses to Emilio or the other way around.
Chance: Ohhh ok.
*doorbell ring*
(Chance Stands up the Twins from the couch and walks them to the entrance facing the door where (Y/N) will walk in.)
(Tessa opens the door and (Y/N) puts her finger over her mouth as she sets her stuff down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.)
(She fixes her hair quickly and gives Chance the thumbs up to take off the blind fold, already tearing up.)
(The blindfold is removed)
Twins: OH MY GOD!
(They both hug (Y/N) and begin to cry. (Y/N) begins to cry into Emilio's shoulder as Ivan hugs the both of them)
Emilio: Te ...extrañe mucho... *Emilio whispers under his breath as they all begin to cry.)

Not Clip Anymore
"Yo! I'm tearing up just thinking about last night!" "Yeah! So the twins are still asleep.. you can go wake them up Team 10 style if you want." I offer "Yo... really?" She asks. "Uh Yeah? Your in Team 10 now! Go try it!" "Ok I gotcha!"

"Ok so when we were younger I would sometimes walk into their house to play back in Spain, and they would be asleep, right? And what I would do is I would give them a little peck on the cheek to get them both up and it worked every time. But this time it will be on the lips and I will keep it there until they wake up." She says as we walk up stairs. "YO! THATS PERFECT!"

"I know that's why I'm doing it." We walk down the hallway to their door and before she walks in I say, "Lemme just say, your English is ALOT better than the twins." "I've been doing some traveling recently and I also learned French and Japanese." She says.

We walk in and she puts her finger over her mouth signaling for me to shut up.

She leans down for Emilio first and kisses him. It takes him about five seconds for him to wake up and as soon as he sees her he looks at me then back at her and pretends to stay asleep.
"That's my boiii.." I whisper.. "That's weird that always work whe- AH" just as she starts to stand up and try Ivan Emilio pulls her back down to another kiss. They make out for like 10 seconds and start laughing.

"Uh... yo... is there something going on with you guys?" I ask.. "What? No! We've known each other for 9 years, Jake! We can do this without it being weird!" "She did this all the time to wake us up when we were little. Except on the cheek." Emilio says in his accent. "Ok now Ivan-" Emilio blocks her from climbing to the top bunk. "Nah lemme do this.."

Emilio puts lotion in his hand and climbs up.
"¡VEN EN IVAN LEVANTESE! ¡LEVANTESE!" He slaps Ivan with the Lotion and as Ivan gets out of bed Emilio grabs (Y/N)'s arm and they start running out of the room and downstairs.

Ivan begins chasing them and he gets tired when he gets downstairs. They all laugh and (Y/N) hugs Ivan and kisses his cheek.

*2 Hours Later*

Third Person POV

Jake walks up to Emilio, Ivan and (Y/N) with his vlog camera obviously recording.
"Hey Jake." Says the twins "Hey guys! So um. If you remember back to a couple months ago, (Y/N) will probably remember from the vlog. Uh... So I was thinking we could have another 'Who's the better kisser' contest." Jake says. "Ok I'm down." Ivan replies.

Emilio's face is just shocked.

"Jake, can I talk to you for second? Privately?"
"Yeah, yeah bro come on talk to me." Emilio pulls Jake to the side to talk to him.

"Ok so. I'm gonna confess, you wanna know how long I've been in love with (Y/N)?" Jakes eyes widen as he turns the camera towards him and back to Emilio.

"Since the day we met. A-And I thought it was just a little crush but as soon as I left Spain I knew it was more." He finishes

"So what are you telling me, that you don't wanna kiss her because your nervous? You just made out upstairs."

"No! I'm saying that I can't go any longer without her knowing! And I want you to help me Jake, I don't care how! I just need help!"

"Ok I'll help you. And that's was the best English Ive ever heard out of you by the way."

"Thank you."

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