Questions from the peculiars!!!!

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Horace: What is your fave outfit and why?

Emma: Has someone you loved ever left you?

Jake: Has anyone ever thought you were crazy?

Miss Peregrine: What's the thing that you care most about?

Olive: If you had a peculiarity, what would it be and why?

Mr Barron: Is it better to be good or powerful?

Bronwyn: What's the hardest thing you've ever done?

Millard: What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?

Abe: Have you loved anyone that you'd never thought you'd love?

Addison: If you could have one pet, what would it be?

Claire: What colour eyes and hair do you have?

Maryann Portman: In your family, who're you closest to?

Enoch: What's the most cruel thing you've ever done?

Hugh: Do you like bugs?

Fiona: Would you risk your life for someone you truly love?

My answers (2017)

1) My levi jeans and anything that goes with it :)

2) Well, one of them is moving at the end of the year :'( 

3) Um, no....

4) My family and friends...and MPHFPC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts fangirling like crazy)

5) Shape shifting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6) Good. DUH!

7) Saying goodbye to the people I love.

8) Well, once we were doing this fire drill at school, and this girl jumped on me, and I screamed very loudly. In front of the whole school...and my crush!!!!!

9) Yes. Right now, in fact!!! But no comment on who he is.....

10) Cats, what type of cat...ummm...MUNCHKINS! They're SO cute!!!!!!!!! Sorry Addison :(

11) Dark, dark brown

12) My mom (Love you mom >3>)

13) I kicked a boy who was annoying me...


15) Yes, I would. I care about alot of people and I would most definitely die for some of them. :) 

My answers (2020) 

1. Dress and an oversized denim jacket <3 

2. Yeah, I literally got dumped a few weeks ago (still not over it, send help) 

3. Yeah haha

4. Friends, family, books

5. shapeshifting, duh

6. good

7. getting through my epic breakup whoopdi doo 

8. idk

9. yeah my ex. still do tbh

10. munchkin :) 

11. dark brown hair and eyes

12. my mama <3 

13. getting into relationships when i was unstable 

14. no no no bugs pls

15. yeah 

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