We didn't go into town. I told Beatris that I wasn't up to going anymore. As I sat in my tent I heard Beatris yell at Z. All I know is I feel something for Z. I didn't know what i felt I just knew that I felt something.
"Hey Alex" Z said breaking my train of thought. " I'm sorry for everything"
I knew he was trying to be sincere but I couldn't for give him right now. "What do you want? I'm a killer remember? Why would you want to talk to me, I might kill you." I wasn't thinking and didn't realize how hurtful what I was saying really was until I said it out loud.
He looked at me with sad worried eyes. "I'm sorry." Apparently it was all he could get out before bursting into tears. I guess he felt guilty for all of this. He should feel guilty! For the past couple of days he has been calling me nothing but a killer.
Soon my anger was replaced by sadness. I looked at him as the tears were still flowing from his reddened sad eyes. How could I not forgive him. We just met and he was going to do whatever it was to keep himself safe. All I could think about doing was giving him a hug. I wasn't expecting him to hug back but he did. I looked at him and he smiled and looked down
"I'm sorry Alex, I should have forgiven you, but I didn't know how. I knew that you didn't kill the guy and your brothers were just protecting you, but I don't know why I was so mad.
"You were only frustrated because you didn't know what to think of me now." I hoped he would listen to me and what I said.
I'm not the type of person who needs people to like me all the time for me to be happy, but it was like I needed him to like me and not be mad at me anymore.
He wiped away his tears and answered," Yeah you're right. I was kinda hoping that your past would have been more of a gentler story. But the tragedies you went through make you who you are and I wouldn't have it any other way."
For the next few days Beatris, Z, and I gathered everything we could, weather it was food or not. Every day we prepared, I anticipated getting my brothers out of the hell hole they were in.
"Hey Alex it's time, wake up." I opened my eyes to see someone that was very special to me and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I smiled at Zach and got up as quick as I could. My heart was pounding.I'm so excited and anxious to see my brothers. I exited my tent to see Zach and Bea ready to go.
"Are you ready?" Bea asked
I knew it was now or never so I nodded yes. I kept fidgeting with my shirt and apparently Z seen this because he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "It will be fine"
I hoped he was right. I looked ahead and the chapel was coming into view. I knew what had to be done and I was the one to do it. I walked up to the chapel door not realizing I was dragging Zach with me. He brought my hand to his lips, gently kissed it and let it go. Zach knew just what I needed.
I looked up and there wasn't any cameras like Mark said that would be. strange. I punched in the code and the doors opened. As soon as the doors opened a strange white fog billowed out. I took one step in with Zach and Bea close behind.
"Look for a sewer or manhole. That's where we can get into the drain." I yelled and began looking under the church pews.
After about ten painstakingly long minutes Zach found the sewer cover under a rug behind the pulpit. Bea and I ran to him and lifted the sewer cover.We looked into the hole and unlike what my brothers said there were no cameras in sight.
I was about to go down into the hole when Bea spoke up. "Wait isn't there supposed to be supposed to be cameras"
I looked up at Bea then at Zach. I frantically looked back and forth hoping for one of them to say something. Zach must have seen how worried i was so he smiled "I'm sure there wasn't any cameras to start with, your brothers were just drugged. I'm sure of it"
As soon as I was down in the hole Zach and Bea followed behind. We slowly walked down the corridor for about thirty minutes before we came upon this room that looked like it was supposed to be used for surveillance, but no one was in it. Bea went in to check the room and since there was a glass panel Z and I could see everything she was doing.
While Bea was checking the room Zach grabbed both of my hands and looked me in the eyes. "How are you doing with all of this? you have been really quiet."
"To be honest with you, i'm scared. I'm scared that we will come so close and I will loose my brothers. I'm scared that we might get captured right along with my brothers. "
"It's possible that anything can happen but I promise that as long as i'm here I won't let anything happen to you." Zach pulled me into a hug and as soon as he let go Bea came out and said the coast was clear.
I didn't feel like it was necessary to tell them that I felt like someone was watching us. We walked for about twenty more minutes before we saw this giant iron door with industrial sized hinges, a deadbolt, a slot for food and with rivets holding this door together.
I walked forward and opened the food slot. After I wiped the rust dust off of my hands I looked through the little window. It was them, my brothers were here.

Teen Fictiona teenage girl loses her memory and her life takes an unexpected turn when she gets it back.