Chapter 1

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The lights fade after the first song and the screams are deafening..

Wait, let me explain a few things first. My name is Cheri but must people call me Cher, well everyone calls me Cher. My mom is American while my father is British and I was born in England but moved to America when I was 5. So basically I have dual citizenship. I have one older sister named Loran whos 25 and off doing her own thing in life trying to make it as a lawyer. Oh ya, im 18 and I have been living in England for the past two years. Im not sure what I want to do with my life which bothers me but alot of people dont know what they want to do. Im not too popular nor am I drop dead gorgeous. I mean...I guess im somewhat pretty. I have brown hair and big light brown eyes, small nose. Nothing that would make you stop dead in your tracks. Im average. I have an average body, im of average height, im of average intelligence...just..average. Some of my interests are...

Oh right! Youre here to know more about Harry... ok well heres how he came into my life..

Well my dad is really high up there in some media production company and hes really close friends and co-workers with Ben Winston, who happens to know One Direction and direct some of their music videos annnd happens to be close friends with Harry. Ya ya ya, I like One Directions music but never really got caught up in that whole "Id sell my family for them" craze. I mean id probably be nervous and excited to meet them but they werent something I was obsessing over. So my dad knew how much girls my age liked them *cough Harry cough* and would tease me that he had connections to him. I found them all attractive (Niall was secretly my favorite please dont tell anyone that) but Harry was the dream boy. The one you have posters above our bed and say goodnight to. The one that makes your heart race..he was the epitome of pop star. Not that the others werent, or were not attractive (theyre all VERY attractive) but Harry was the one singled out , out of all of them. Ya I thought he was hot, ok?

ok ok ok, how I met him. I was 17 and there was some big wrap party in London for this production my dad, Ben Winston, and the whole company had finished. I mean this party was massive. I think I saw Shakira there? I dont know but tons of celebrities were invited and their families and the companies was crazy. On the way over there my father kept saying "I think some of the lads from One Direction will be there maybe you'll get their numbers" I just sort of laughed it off. I really didnt care. I wasnt going to be like every other girl and drape myself over them.

I was just going for the food (Like any other teenager would). Ive been to these parties before. Ill just end up in a corner by myself on my phone. No i wasnt a brat, you just got to understand that after going to these events your whole life...theyre all the same. Plus I like being alone. Im that teen that ends up watching a whole series on Netflix in one day and gaining ten pounds while at it. I liked having two close friends and the rest just being by myself.

Well once me, my mom, and dad arrived to this party, I could tell, they werent like the others. The venue was huge in itself and everyone looked so laid back. The place was packed, the crazy music blaring, lights dimmed, and the food smelling amazing. I stuck with my parents as long as I could until they told me to go make friends and to text them later.

Friends??? Everyone here was too "A-List" for me nor could I approach them! Like seriously I saw Julia Roberts and Emma Watson (my inner Harry Potter geek had to restrain itself) These celebrites came to have a good time..not to be asked if someone could take a selfie with them. I couldnt find a teen girl my age to talk to so after about 10 minutes of looking I made my way over to the food table.

What would any self-respecting teen do? Go straight for the desserts. I saw the gourmet pizza and secretly whispered to it "Ill get to you later"...They had these warm doughy choclate chip cookies that I was immediately drawn to. I basically shoved the whole thing in my mouth (Yep couldnt care less who saw me). But as I was chewing this huge glob of yummy cookie I realized the chocolate chips were somewhat melted and choclate was all over my hands. Still chewing I immediately went for a napkin and began to wipe off any evidence of this non-classy act. The chocolate was almost plastered to my hands, I resorted to rubbing it off vigoursly with the napkin while chewing the still huge glob of cookie in my mouth. Just as I was about to give up I heard this smooth voice in my left ear ask:

"Need help with that?"

I knew it was a guy and became somewhat nervous...I dont know why. I replied , still trying to chew "No Ive been this messy my whole life-" As I turned and saw I almost had a heart attack. Yep, by the way this story is going, you guessed was Harry Styles. I think chocked a bit on this cookie that was now tastless in my mouth. Wide eyed I proceeded to quickly chew what was left in my mouth.

"Im so sorry" I said.

He laughed and grinned. He asked "For what?"

"For looking stupid' I tried to laugh it off but at this point I had no idea what I was even saying. HARRY STYLES WAS RIGHT THERE AND OFFERED TO HELP ME. Play it cool I thought, just play it cool. I didnt know what to do and even considered to run away like a freak and go hide in the bathroom. Finally this lingering silence (fine like 5 seconds) was broken when he said "Youre Frank Harlows daughter right?" (At this point I was screaming internally because yes I was Frank Harlows daughter)

"Ya I am.." I was sort of speechless at this the hell did he know who I was?? "How did you know?" Those words sort of naturally slipped out.

"My friend Ben Winston pointed you out to me. Ive met your father. Hes a cool guy" (Id later learn that Ben had talked about me numerous times to Harry)

"Ahhhhhh thats right my dad did meet you.I forgot that...."(JK no I didnt but seriously dont tell anyone I admitted that) I continued "I wouldnt necessarily call my dad cool. I mean if you consider lame dad jokes 'cool' "

Harry laughed when I said that. His amazing laugh with that sweet sound and his cheeky grin. He was beautiful. He really was. The joke itself wasnt that funny but I then made it my mortal mission to make this boy laugh whenever I could.

"Im Harry" He said through a big smile while holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Im Cheri, but everyone calls me Cher"

As I grabbed his hand something inside of me knew. Im not sure what it knew just knew something. Something great.


Hope you guys liked it! Im really happy im finally starting to write this! Comment and vote for more!

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