Chapter 3

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Hi there! Im so sorry if this chapter is too long. And i promise after this chapter is when the story truly begins. I have to put alot of their back story before the "action" plays out. You have to get to know Cher and her relationship with Harry in order to connect. Also If at any point it feels rushed again im sorry. I just want you guys to get to know alot that has gone on between them. :)


With the song in full swing, I fail to pay attention. My mind goes back to how our relationship became to mind goes back one last time...


The day after the party, everything felt surreal. I met this amazing boy the day before and suddenly everything was different. When I woke up that next morning I could feel it in my gut. The only problem? I still never recieved a text from Harry. I questioned if I even gave him my number right but knowing I did, I had to explain to myself that he probably asks many girls for their numbers each week and I was just another number. I know I felt something special, but many girls do when a guy finally gives them attention. For 2 days after that I recieved nothing and reluctantly moved on, though those One Direction songs didnt quite sound the same.

But on the third day my phone oddly buzzes in the afternoon. I was home and basically doing nothing. My friends were at Uni and I was being a bum not attending. I had my sights on an American college and was in the process of figuring it all out, but when Harry came into my life that came to abrupt hault.

The text!!! Sorry! Well I picked up my phone and I saw "Hey, Its me" from a number I didnt recognize. Id be lying if I said I didnt think it was Harry. But I got random messages all the time and was two seconds from typing "Sorry wrong number" when another message from the same number says "And by me I mean Harry :)". I kid you not I threw my phone across the room. Thankfully I didnt break the damn thing and texted him back and said "Oh hey!:)"

For the next two weeks our friendship grew over text messages and every now and then a short phone call. Remember how my dad always teased me about him? And how we should exchange numbers? Well once it actually happened and he found out we were talking (which of course I told my parents I gave him my number at the party) my dad changed his carefree tune about Harry. He would say "Dont get to close to him. Hes a famous pop star. All hes going to do is break your heart." "Wow thanks dad for that" Id reply back. But my dad was right. I knew from the beginning thats what he was going to do. Though like any other excited girl I refused to truly believe it.

We'd text for hours straight and I can honestly tell you I began to fall for him. He was funny, charming, and real. Though since he was famous and very private he wouldnt tell me much about him, he had his wall up even though mine came crashing down quite fast.

When it came to people around me, I didnt tell them. Nor did I brag about it online. I didnt really have social media accounts. But regardless, I never would betray him and by doing that. I didnt tell my friends because that would only cause a storm of frenzy around me asking questions while invading mine and Harrys friendship. I didnt even tell my sister, and I begged my parents not tell anyone. I was protective of him in a way because I got the sense that girls did this to him before. All he wanted was some sense of normalcy.

right around 3 weeks of talking he randomly called me one morning. I answered the phone a bit hesitantly

"Hello?" I asked. "Cher?" Harry breathed into the phone. "Ya, hey whats up?" "Are you still in London?" "Ya of course...why?" "Wanna go get a bite to eat?"

Did Harry Styles just ask me out???? "Yes!" I remember yelling. He laughed...god it even sounds amazing over the phone. "Cool! Ill pick you up."

After extablishing my address he indeed did pick me up. It was the first time seeing him since the party and I was a nervous wreck even once in the car with him. Its weird to really get to know someone over text then be with them. We laughed and talked like we knew each other our whole lives. Nothing was awkward. We went to a little cafe on the edge of London somewhat tucked away. He kept his sunglasses on the whole time and wore a hoodie. Clearly he didnt want to be spotted and again I understood that. We ate and he told me some stories of him growing up and about some of his favorite places hed gone on tour. It was quaint and nobody bothered us. And that was it, our first "date".

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