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I stand in front of room 309, checking my notes to make sure I'm at the right place. I drag my luggage into the room, noticing my roommate didn't arrive yet since there were no bags in sight.

I close the door and take a proper look around the room. Very plain and boring. It was quite small but it seemed like I could make it my home for the next few months. I throw myself onto the bed closest to the window, groaning after realizing the mattress isn't as soft as it looks.

I hear the door creak open, I stayed put and waited for them to say something.

"Hello roommate! What's your na- oh fuck did I enter the wrong room?" a deep voice said. My eyes widened and I scrambled off the bed. 

"No? Wait let me check if I'm in the wrong room" I said, not even looking at the boy that entered. I picked up my bag and looked for my phone. "This is room 309 right?" I asked, finally making eye contact with the boy. My actions came to a halt the moment I recognized the grey haired male.



"It's nice to meet you again Suga but we need to sort this out. I'll call the principal and ask her about this"

"Okay, thank you for your time ma'am" I said and ended the call. I sigh and sink into the mattress, covering my face with my hands.

"What did she say?" Suga asked.

"They thought I was a boy when I enrolled online" my voice came out muffled because of my hands 

"I knew this was going to happen. People usually think I'm a boy because of my name" I let out a groan. "How could they mistake you for a boy? Didn't they ask for your gender?" I shrugged in response.

Suga dragged his bags across room and left it by the drawers where we're meant to put our clothes in. Laying down on the other bed, he let out a soft sigh

"What's your name that they thought you were a boy?" his words were directed to the ceiling.

"Jimin. Chae Jimin." I said, turning my head to look at him. I saw him smile to himself,

"I like Uyu better" he snorted, smiling widely that his gums were showing and his eyes were in the shape of a crescent moon; just like how he smiled when we were in the coffee shop.

"What's your name?" I asked

"Min Yoongi"

"Yeah I like Suga better" He playfully rolled his eyes at me before sitting up.

"Have you sorted your things yet?" he asked, looking at me

"Clearly not"


We finally unpacked our things, with me taking the left side of the room and Suga taking the right side of the room,

"I'm calling the desk" he said, setting his laptop on it. I pouted jokingly

"But it's on my side" I whined

"But I called it" he said, copying my voice, pouting as well

"Fine, I prefer doing my work on the bed anyway." I set my laptop on the bed.

I check my bag to see if anything was left. I found a  box and a note on it.

'Hi Jimin! Good luck with university! I thought it would be a good idea to sneak this in your bag because I know how much you love to have them in your room. I hope you do good there! Fighting! -Jimin'

My eyes began to water as I picked up the box and the letter. I miss Jimin already. I slip the note into my wallet and I open the box excitedly.

"What's that?" Suga perked up from behind my shoulder

"It's fairy lights" I smile, walking over to my bed. "My friend Jimin snuck it into my bag" My eyes reverted back to Suga's confused face

"So Jimin has a friend named Jimin?" He blurted out

"Yep. We became friends because of our names. He's pretty cute" I said


"Yes Suga, enough with the questions."

After untangling the fairly lights, I saw that Jimin gave me 3 long strings of fairy lights. I laced two of them on the window pane and one on my headboard. They began to twinkle immediately after plugging it in.

I step back and admire the cozy vibe it's giving my side of the room. Thank you so much, Jimin I thought

"It's so pretty" I said

"Just like you," Suga's deep voice sent chills down my back.


a/n: hello, i would want some feedback from y'all. I want to know about the things I should improve! 

next update is gonna probably be on Saturday :> see you by then

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