The Center

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The next morning, before they set off. Max made a plan, for once.

"I haven't gotten any of this section of the maze yet. So, I was thinking we could go this way and continue on through here." Max said, indicating a direction on the map.

Leila shrugged, still not understanding the whole concept, but it seemed to be working so she was fine with whatever. They set off again, settling into their newfound routine. Leila asking questions and Max answering them.

"So, what's your dad like?" Leila ventured.

"I don't know." Max's expression darkened. "He chose to leave."

"What?" Leila gasped. She felt guilty for bringing up the subject.

"We have the option not to take care of our kids, and nobody reprimands you," Max explained, "But most genies chose to stay because of paternal instinct or something."

Another thing that separated him from the genie people.

Leila changed the subject and the conversation flowed more easily. She definitely felt more comfortable around Max now. It seemed like only a couple of minutes before the sun started setting.

"That's strange," Max frowned, "The days should be longer."

"Why? Isn't time messed up here?" Leila asked.

"That's in relation to earth time." Max replied. "The days should seem to us like the time I'm used to."

"But it's not dangerous." Leila confirmed.

"It shouldn't be."


They set up camp and got comfortable after only a few minutes of walking.

"We haven't done much so I don't see any point in drawing my map again, but I don't want to be wandering around here in the dark. So we'll just rest." Max had barely finished his sentence when his mother appeared. Leila jumped, still not used to the whole appearing and disappearing of people.

"Mom!" Max cried, "I need to talk to you about something."

"The fact that it's night when it should be midmorning?" She replied with a small smile.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"I used my eyes." She laughed. Leila got the acute left out sense she got whenever this woman showed up.

"Has anything else like this happened?" She continued, "Any strange things where they shouldn't be."

"I saw a leaf shrivel and die in a manner of seconds." Leila piped in.

"Hmm," Max's mother thought, "Well, it shouldn't be a problem, but if it continues let me know. It's probably just a side effect of you not being in your natural home.

"I'm going to go now, lots to do." The mother started to disappear, becoming insubstantial, before returning clearly again. "One more thing, If you ever need me, Max, you know how to reach me."

And then she was gone.

Leila closed her eyes, but she was too awake to go back to sleep. After several minutes of tossing and turning, Leila gave up.

"Max, you awake?" Leila whispered.

"Who could sleep?" he replied.

"How much longer are we going to be here?" She asked.

"Why? Do you want to leave?" Max's voice wavered a bit.

"I just miss my sister, Makayla, my life actually making sense!" her voice rose as she spoke.

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