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"you're what?" suddenly, he was no longer calm and relaxed. his facial expression was frozen, and his body looks stiff. however, i feel slightly more relaxed now that i've told him i'm carrying his baby.

"you heard me," i say with attitude. truthfully, i just don't want to repeat myself, just in case anyone around us would hear us. i notice jeff's eyes divert to my stomach and then quickly back to meet my gaze.

"is this a joke?" he scoffs, taking a step closer to me. i guess he doesn't want anyone hearing this conversation either. he opens his mouth to says something more, but quickly shuts it as a group of freshmen walk past us.

"why would i joke about that?" i roll my eyes and cross my arms. jeff looks defeated, but he isn't giving up.

"well, i don't know, diana," he stutters, which for some twisted reason makes me feel more confident, "a-are you sure it's mine?" he says quietly, avoiding eye contact. my eyes widen in shock and i start coughing uncontrollably as i try to process what he just said.

"of course it's yours," i spit, rolling my eyes again. "you're the only guy i've slept with recently," i say like i'm a complete whore. which i guess i am known for at liberty high.

"really? i doubt that's true," he continues to deny what i told him, i don't blame him, but did he really have to rub it in?

i scoff. "fuck you, jeff," is the last thing i say before turning around abruptly as i begin to feel tears sting behind my eyes. that feeling of comfort and confidence i had before is now gone as the realisation that i'm having a baby at barely seventeen is settling in.

i took the long way home after my dispute with jeff. so by the time i had got home, it was already starting to get dark. when i left the house earlier, it was clean, besides my room of course. but now that all five of my siblings were now home, the house was a dump.

"hey, diana," my sixteen year old brother, greets me with a cigarette hanging off his lip. he's playing video games and his eyes never leave the screen.

"hey, buster," i mumble, shutting the door behind me. i pull of my coat and hang it up next to the door before walking into the living room fully. "where are the others?" i ask, sitting down next to him and propping my feet up on the coffee table.

"in the house somewhere," he smirks and i nudge his shoulder with force as i know he's joking. i look down at my feet up on the coffee table and notice a beer bottle that i presume is buster's. i lean forward and take a sip, since we never get alcohol when my parents are around.

"diana's home!" my twelve year old sister, bunny,cheers, running into the room and sitting between buster and i. "i didn't see you this morning, where were you all weekend?" she looks up at me and i smile down at her.

"you're too young to understand," i force a laugh to distract her. the truth is, i was, well, nowhere. i had just found out i was pregnant and i had no idea what to do or who to talk to.

"diana was too busy whoring around," mouse, my fifteen year old brother, laughs as he walks into the living room with a bag of chips in his hands.

"ha ha, very funny," i roll my eyes playfully as mouse sits down on the arm chair.

"hey how'd it go?" marcel asks, adding to the conversation and picking up an extra controller to play buster's game. he doesn't look over at me once, but i know he's talking to me about jeff.

baby ⇒ jeff atkins Where stories live. Discover now