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I know there's a lot of Diana and her family right now but it all adds to plot ;)

"hey, i would do anything for my girlfriend," he laughs lightly kissing me in the forehead

he starts to walk away. "i'm not technically your girlfriend, atkins," i call out after him, as the hall's were empty and i knew no one would hear me.

"i know, i know," he calls back, not turning around, as he turns the corner and disappears. i sigh to myself and look behind me, double checking that bryce hadn't followed.

i guess, i'm really, really, lucky that i had jeff to come save me. bryce is a fucking creep.

"and then this kid came over and beat the shit out of bryce," mouse explains while we all sit at the dinner table.

"language!" my mother scolds as mouse finishes his story. she looks over at my dad for back up, but he was too busy stuffing his face with potatoes.

"hm?" he mutters, looking up from plate and exchanging glances with my mother. we all chuckle a little bit at how oblivious my father is. he drops his cutlery and clears his throat. "what were they fighting about?" my dad asks, contributing to the conversation. my mother rolls her eyes and takes a sip from her wine glass, giving up.

i glare at mouse quickly. he knows they were fighting over me. the whole school knows. but my parents can't know that, they'll just complain to the school. again. "probably just something dumb," he shrugs, obviously noticing my glare. i relax back in my sit as i realise marcel staring at me, confused from next to me.

i decide to ignore it, as my dad was still asking questions. "who's the kid?" my dad asks, stuffing his face once again with potatoes. i share a look with marcel and i bite my lip while he shakes his head.

"jeff atkins," buster replied once mouse didn't. i glare at buster but he just shrugs, unsure of what he's done wrong.

"atkins?" my mother says, looking up from her now empty wine glass. she raises an eyebrows as she looks at us all individually.

"yeah?" buster replies, becoming more and more confused by the second. at this point, even i was confused. her tone sounded like she recognised the name. did she know jeff?

she doesn't say anything else, she jsut stands up and pours herself another glass of wine. my dad, however, didn't look confused. he was focusing on my mother, a hint of anger in his eyes.

"um, can i be excused?" me and marcel say in unison. my parents stare at us, probably creeped out that we said it at the same time. but most of the things i say around marcel come out at the exact same time that he says them.

"cool, thanks," me and marcel say once again after the awkward and uncomfortable silence. even though my four other siblings didn't ask, they stand up anyway, and we all run out of the kitchen, not wanting to face another one of my parents' arguments.

i run up to my room, and marcel follows me while the other do their own thing. marcel sits next to me on my bed, and i sigh, knowing that he's about to interrogate me.

"why was jeff fighting for you? it's not like he actually cares about-" he mutters the last part, but i cut him off.

"he cares, marcel," i sigh, twiddling with my thumbs, "if not me, my baby," i say, placing both hands on my stomach.

baby ⇒ jeff atkins Where stories live. Discover now