Cotton Candy, Popsicles and Cotton Candy Popsicles

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I remember the times (despite however many years ago it was) I ate theses Popsicles

I remember the times (despite however many years ago it was) I ate theses Popsicles

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More specifically the whole box of cotton candy ones.

(Yes I searched the entire web for that. Thankfully it wasn't that hard.)

Sooooooo I may beg my mom later to go to a dollar tree and buy me some.

Because I still remember how good they were.

I just like cotton candy too much XD

There's this tiger mart right outside my neighborhood I go to

too get snacks, and I always get cotton candy *insert sneaky Peridot face here*

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too get snacks, and I always get cotton candy *insert sneaky Peridot face here*

And I'm fantasizing about Popsicles because it's summer in Texas and I'm still sick.

I shall forever remember thy Popsicles.

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