Author's Explanation

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Hello friends.

This isn't necessarily important to read, but if you would, that would be great.

This comes in two parts. I wrote the first based off an idea my beautifully amazing friend Laura gave me, and as anyone who reads my stories can tell, I'm a huge sucker for iancorn, so I just had to include it. I decided to give it it's own story after that. It's almost done, so I'll put it up in a few days I think.

Maybe it's because it's the longest, maybe because it was friend inspired, maybe because I just love it so much, but something about this story is special to me, and I thought it deserved its own story altogether because it's just great. I adore it.

So, without further ado, I present to you(THAT RHYMED OH MAN I AM GOOD), Jigsaw Falling Into Place.

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