Part 8: Yongguk's Message

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*Lucy's pov*

I had seen Yongguk going out to the yard earlier today but I had stayed in even if I had smelled a strange scent from the outside. I had thought he had gone checking it out but the scent still remained. So after some time, I got up from our bed and was about to head outside... That's when L came in.

L: Lucy, Yongguk hyung is asking us for a conversation.

Lucy: Oh... Just the two of us?

L: He asked for the vice leader and healer so it means just us.

Lucy: What does he want to talk about?

L: Probably the situation of the Northern clan.

I didn't get any chances to ask L more about it but I followed him out anyway.

》The situation of the Northern clan... Where did he come up with that kind of topic?》

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Yongguk: We have received an appeal for help from Alice, a warrior from the Northern clan. Their old leader John has been overthrown and the current leader is Byungchul. I'm sure you both remember him. He has now become a dictator and is treating the clan terribly. The clan is weak and unable to fight against him by themselves. It has also been rumored that Byungchul's brother - the only one who got lost as puppy - is the leader of a clan nearby them and they are ready to protect Byungchul. The reason why I needed you two here is that we are in a need of a plan of action.

L: Have you already decided to give help?

Lucy: You don't really have other choices than help. We've made the promise.

Yongguk: That is right. And even if we wouldn't be in debt to them, our own safety is in danger as Byungchul has chosen to destroy our clan. I cannot let Byungchul either rule in these forests or wipe out our clan.

L: You are right, hyung-nim. Have you planned anything already?

Yongguk: A little. I think we should set a date with the clan, gather together on that day and hush Byungchul away. There's just a few problems to solve. How do we make sure Byungchul doesn't notice anything? And how do we make sure the clan has enough energy to fight?

L: Shouldn't they get some training too?

Yongguk: I understood from Alice's words that they've been training around the clock but got only very little to eat if they didn't succeed.

Lucy: If they are starving, they cannot fight. How bad state was Alice in? Do you think they need more than a meal to get enough energy?

Yongguk: I'm sure they do. Probably eating well for few days could get them closer to their original state and carry them through the hardest times. When Byungchul has been expelled once again, they can continue living a better life.

L: How do we guarantee that they can eat? We cannot offer food for few days for a whole clan! And Byungchul will notice if they eat at their camp.

Lucy: They could eat while hunting... Then Byungchul wouldn't know that they have eaten.

L: ..... Are you seriously suggesting that? Lucy, you do know that is against one of our rules?! The clan must be fed first.

Lucy: I do know that, but this is an emergency! They have no other choice. If you do have another option, please speak out.

Yongguk: Lucy, L. As a leader I shouldn't be supporting the option against rules, but I think you both are right. The clan does not have much where to choose from, but we should at least let them choose. Once we get to talk to them they can make their decision. Let's focus on the main point now.

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