Lazy sunday, just passin' time

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"OMC cassie! That's amazing, so when do we get to meet this Greek god officially?" I chuckle and shrug my shoulders.
"I don't know, it's up to him I guess" I get up and throw my ice-cream container away. I get to sleep in tommorow instead of going to church. I'm still getting used to the fact that I can, even though my mother moved out 2 months ago to live with her new boyfriend. She told us kids that dad didn't appreciate her anymore, but we all think it's because she found out that me and Gabe were not of the heterosexual type. I go up to my room to text Charlie. Even though it's late she's still up.

Cas👬: Hey Charles! Guess what?

Charlie👭: sup' Cas? Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Cas👬:well that and I found my soulmate!

Charlie👭:Destiel? Has Chuck answered my prayers? Lol

Cas👬: what? Lol

Charlie👭: you and Dean-o!

Cas👬: yep!!😉

Charlie👭:OMC MY OTP IS REAL!! Btw goodnight and my congratulations

Cas👬: night Charles

I put down my phone...11:49. I just on my bed and reluctantly take my piercings out. I place them on my night stand and fall into a deep sleep where I dream of a life with Dean.
I wake up around 11:30 to a knock on my door, "cassie? Are you awake?" I turn to face the door and nod gabe in.
"What's up gabe?"
"Ithinkimightlikesam"he said just above a whisper.
"So?" I question.
"I don't know I've never liked anybody? What is he's my soul mate?" I chuckle and my mind flashes to Dean for a moment.
"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't?" I say
"and maybe you'll get your tattoo early then. "Maybe" he repeats and with that he leaves the room. I put on some sweat pants and practically prance downstairs. I rummage through my fridge till I find the orange juice. I pour myself some and make myself some cereal. About 15 minutes later Lucifer and Michael come down. Ever since Michaels parents kicked him out, he's lived with us, which means some night I don't get a lot of sleep if you know what I mean. I go and lie down on the couch and switch on Sherlock. I watch it for about 3 hours straight before falling asleep. I wake up around 9:00 pm to lucifer and Michael watching some tv show, super-ordinary? I think that's the name. I get up and fall back asleep after taking care of my nightly routine. Peircings? Check. Teeth brushed? Check. Falling asleep? Che- *snore*

So he only watched 3 episodes basically

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